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也许是金佛的伟岸?Buddha may be in physical gold?

这是怎样一棵伟岸的大树啊?What kind of a stalwart tree ah?

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爱,不仅爱你伟岸的身躯love,not only for you grand body

但它会像一棵伟岸的橡树。But to grow it's like a great oak tree.

约翰是一个干净利落、相貌伟岸的人。John is a clear-cut, great-looking guy.

我们得到的现实电视伟岸的意见。We get the views of the reality TV stalwart.

从普通城市的街道向上看,它们是如此深邃伟岸。Seen in the streets of cities, how great they are!

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见那个曾经伟岸的男人如此虚弱,真让人难过。It was sad to see the once-great man looking so frail.

泰勒表示这些绿色的小生命也许很快就能被培育成新一代的伟岸巨树。Mr. Taylor said the sprouts might be coaxed into a new generation of redwoods.

这一建筑在建筑学上的伟岸之处并非只在于它的地基。The architectural magnificence of this structure does not stop at its foundations.

无益的口才如高大伟岸的柏树不结果。Unprofitable eloquence is like the cypress which is great and tall, but bears no fruit.

东非疣猴或已加入这个“大杂会”之中,以炫耀它们的伟岸身躯和主导地位。Guereza colobus monkeys appear to join the chorus to advertise their size and dominance.

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难怪,这就经常发生伟岸的人被小小的狗追逐甚至伤害的故事!No wonder, this frequent stalwart little dog chasing a person is hurt or even the story!

铁船峰,海拔950米,危崖耸立,似一艘巨舰,伟岸壮观。Rail shipping peak, elevation 950 meters, the cliff side, it is a -, Wei-an spectacular.

这描绘了商业领域的创造力在刺激经济增长的过程中扮演的伟岸角色。This paints a broad role for creativity in the business world in spurring economic growth.

每当风起时,都有些树叶会掉落,但是,大树总是那么挺拔和伟岸。When the wind is coming, some leaves will fall off, but trees are always so tall and straight.

大狐狸,我爱你,不仅爱你伟岸的身躯,也爱你坚持的位置,脚下的土地。Fox, I love you, not just your tremendous body, but your persistent position and the earth under your feet.

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以一种淡淡的心情去面对,你也许并不神奇,并不伟岸,然而拥有一种淡淡的情致你的本身便是一道瑰丽的风景。Holding a tranquil mood, as the tranquil mood makes you a touching scene, though you maybe are not sage or great.

战火可以毁坏容颜,却一定有爱的博大与伟岸在尘世永远屹立不倒!Images of the war can be destroyed, it must have love in the Wei-an extensive and stand up well against the earth forever!

在树桩底部一圈,泰勒发现了几十处嫩芽,这些绿色的小生命也许很快就能被培育成新一代的伟岸巨树。Circling its base, he saw dozens of sprouts, green life that might soon be coaxed into a new generation of mighty redwoods.