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飞机怎么飞起来?How do planes fly?

飞机飞过去了。The planes passed.

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在飞机上工作。Work on the plane.

在飞机上睡觉。Sleep on the plane.

什么飞机?What fuckin' plane?

我有一架模型飞机。I have a model plane.

设置为飞机模式。Set airplane mode on.

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飞机会停吗?Would the plane stop?

是的,一架私人飞机。Yep, a private plane.

你常坐飞机吗?Do you fly very often?

快上飞机,孩子。Get on that plane, son.

损失3架飞机。Three planes were lost.

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一架飞机在头顶嗡嗡响。A plane hummed overhead.

高射炮火像雹子般轰击飞机。Flak hails on the plane.

飞机因雾不能起飞。The plane was fog-bound.

哥儿俩共用一架波音767飞机。The two share a 767 jet.

哪架飞机是佳佳的?Which is Jiajia's plane?

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我会制作模型飞机。I can make a model plane.

飞机正在下降。The plane was descending.

抱歉,这班飞机已客满。Sorry, the flight is full.