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租约下个月满期。The lease runs out next month.

她以九十九年的租约买下这种房子。She bought the house on a 99-year lease.

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他们就租约的条件进行谈判。They bargained over the terms of a lease.

我们的钱已用完,租约又到期了。Our funds had run out and our lease was up.

也许,在罗雷莱没有人签租约。Perhaps nobody signed leases at the Lorelei.

而黑仁的租约快到期了。The lease on Heather's apartment is up soon.

在我签租约之前能不能让人先把它翻译一下?Could I have the lease translated before I sign it?

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也许是一份双人签名的房产租约。Maybe it's a co-signed lease on a piece of property.

房客与房东签了一年的租约。The tenant signed a one-year lease with the landlord.

房东和房客要互守租约和规条。Landlords and tenants are bound by the lease and rules.

那是“布偶”,它都明文写在你的租约上。That's a "Muppet. " It's all spelled out in your lease.

你在租约上签字后把支票一块寄来就行了。Just send it along with the lease after you’ve signed it.

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听起来还真不错,我是否得签一份租约?房租要多少?It sounds wonderful. Do I have to sign a lease? How much should I pay?

房屋转租的租期,不得超过原租约的租期。The term of the sublease shall not exceed the term of the original lease.

该信号通知你的进程,内核即将终止在该文件上你曾获得的租约。It tells you the kernel is breaking your write or read lease on that file.

就是说,如果我只签一年租约,就不会重新装修了?That means if I sign a one-year lease, there will be no redecorating at all?

多租约效能——更低的租约花费与应用管理。Multi-tenancy Efficiency – Lowers cost-per-tenant and application management.

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此外,许多公寓要求租赁者签一个一年或者六个月的租约。Also, most apartments will require tenants to sign a one-year or six-month lease.

俄国人认为延长租约的期限将允许对这个舰队进行现代化改造。The Russians argue that extending the lease will allow it to modernise the fleet.

和许多其他交易一样,马利从这些租约里赚到的钱仍然不清楚。As with many of the deals, the money Mali might earn from the leases remains murky.