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向上达到天庭!Upward to heaven!

她是在天庭被创造的。She was made in heaven.

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如果他们两个去天庭。If they two are in heaven?

守望,在天庭之窗。Wathing form heaven's window.

遍布西班牙,荧火蔓延撒向天庭。Scattering contagious fire into the sky.

头颅高过第九重天庭。My head would be high as the ninth heaven.

初下的雨水和来自天庭的阳光何等甜美。Sweet the rains' new fall sunlit from heaven.

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当天上永生门大开,愿与主同进天庭。Then the gate of life eternal may I enter, Lord, with Thee.

请众感谢天主上居天庭,因为他的仁慈永远常存。Give thanks to the God of heaven, his kindness endures forever!

我听到天庭鼓乐齐鸣,在为我的女儿加冕。I heard the celestial music form Heaven, which is crowning for you.

我听到天庭鼓乐齐鸣,在为我的女儿加冕。I heard the celestial music from Heaven, which is crowning for you.

许多人相信这是自己的诉求上达天庭的最佳时候。Many believe it's also the best time for their prayers to be heard.

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美猴王是一个卡通角色,他在天庭上制造了很多麻烦。The Monkey King is a cartoon character who causes problems in heaven.

拜了四方,从眼内发出两道金光,直射到天庭,惊动了玉皇大帝。Aa its eyes moved, two beams of golden light shot towards the heavens.

在天庭住好一阵子了,不知你在花果山过得可好?I had lived in the heaven for a long time , and what up in Fruits hill.

在天庭住好一阵子了,不知你在花果山过得可好?I have stayed in the palace for a long time, how are you in Huaguo Mountain?

世人试图筑起可达天庭的阶梯,然而雅各看到的却是恩典之梯。People try to build stairways to heaven. But Jacob sees a stairway of grace.

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加百列也是传说中与天庭沟通的伟大沟通师。Gabriel is also traditionally known as the great communicator for the Divine.

他的天庭十分饱满,一看便知是有福之相。He has a full forehead, which is a sign that he is blessed with good fortune.

看老树下,那雕像,紧蹙双眉坚毅天庭俊朗。Under that tree, the statue, twisting his fortitude handsome face, a wriggler.