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从那时起,他陆续把十二个密封舱送入了太空。He has since sent a dozen capsules into space.

外界的帮助缓慢地陆续到达。Outside help is slowly and sparingly arriving.

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许多新词将陆续编进这部词典。Many new words will be filed in this dictionary.

目前一些边民已经陆续返回。At present, some of these people have returned home.

差不多在那时,航天飞机残骸开始陆续撞到地面。At about that time the debris began to hit the ground.

俄国的军事装备陆续输送给卢蒙巴的军队。Russian military equipment was going to Lumumba's army.

海量的读物陆续出版,热卖多达上百万册。Scores of books have followed, selling millions of copies.

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详细内容近期内将会陆续公布于垦丁冲浪店网站上。Most details will be showed on Kenting Surf Shop's website.

冒着敌人炮火的威胁,队伍陆续过了江。Taking the threat of enemy fire, team gradually over the river.

今后将陆续选登相关资料。Will choose in succession henceforth publish relevant material.

机管局还会陆续批出其他商业专营权和牌照。The award of other commercial franchises and licences continued.

十月的时候,白鹳会陆续飞往南方过冬。Every October, white storks fly to the South to spend the winter.

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越来越真人化的玩具娃娃最近被陆续推出。More and more life-like baby dolls have been coming out recently.

第二天早上,八点半的时候人们开始陆续进入法庭。The next morning, the courtroom began filling up at eight-thirty.

伟大灰岩坑和塌方已沿着这条路线陆续出现。Humongous sinkholes and landslides have developed along this line.

一个宣扬圣经的团体陆续为孩子们购买了500个书包。A Bible camp chipped in to help buy 500 backpacks for the children.

你需要陆续拿到本科学位,硕士学位和博士学位。You get a Bachelor's degree, Master's degree and then a Doctorate.

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一些人试图唱歌,但他们的声音很快就陆续消失了。Some people tried to sing, but their voices soon died raggedly away.

哥伦比亚广播公司称,更多表演嘉宾将于近日陆续揭晓。CBS says that more performers and presenters would be announced soon.

最近抽空整理了一些相片,会将它们陆续传上来。Recently I put my photos in order and will post them here one by one.