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她执意要去游泳。She insists on going to swim.

但夏真执意不搬走。But the summer is determined not to move.

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若你执意为之,先和你的金钱吻别吧!If you do, kiss your money goodbye first.

如果执意如此,我们无法保证其结果。We cannot guarantee the results if you do that.

没有不可原谅的过错。除非你执意孤行。No offense is unforgivable unless you make it so.

商人声称那是头活猪,但女人执意要看。He said it was a live pig. The woman asked to see it.

如果他们执意要这样,就没有足够的绝地武士来保护共和国。If they do, there are not enough Jedi to protect the republic.

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我执意要你得到这幅画。像墙一样坚实。MAO – I definitely wanted you to have this picture. Stay firm.

姐妹们听完一个个离开了,阿好却执意留下。Sisters listen one by one left, o good were determined to stay.

如果我们忍着头痛执意吃完,会对大脑造成永久性损伤么?Could chugging the rest of that shake cause lasting brain damage?

多种考虑使她执意堕胎。A number of considerations have led her to have a wilful abortion.

如果不退货买家执意给差评我可以申诉吗?If you do not return to the bad comments buyer insists on appeal can I do?

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我曾问过一名警察我能出去不,他说不——如果我执意只会惹麻烦。I asked one officer could I go and he said no – I might to and cause trouble.

如果其他同事执意跟你讲,确保自己不会去掺和此事。If someone else insists on telling you something, make sure it stops with you.

含着泪,回家收拾了所有的东西,执意与他分手。She went back home and packing all her staff with tears and broke up with him.

累劫的无明,使我们执意认为整个生命与自我是一体不可分割的。Lifetimes of ignorance have brought us identify the whole of our being with ego.

贝当古却执意展开她的旅程,以便和叛军对谈。Betancourt was stubborn, and she went ahead with her trip to talk to the rebels5.

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如果女孩执意要与男孩生活在一起的话,那么女孩的下半生只有受苦的命了。If the girl insisted on living together with the boy, girl's life only suffering.

然而,所有这些努力都失败了,狄军执意入侵,完全没有转圜的余地。But all efforts were in vain. Army of Di was determinate to invade, no leeway to go.

反律法主义者执意认为,健康的属灵生活不需要律法。An antinomian is one who insists that the law is not needed for a healthy spiritual life.