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在释文2。中所说的由一位或几位数字表示的数。The number represented by the digit or digits in2.

输入欲检索的释文条号,按确定键进行检索。Please enter the designated numbers and then click Enter.

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百科全书条目释文是一种权威性辞书的说明文字,其语言朴实、洁、谨。The explanatory article in encyclopaedia is a kind of expository writing.

附录二收录了我们所试缀的七组历组卜辞,并作了释文。The other are seven groups joints of oracle bones of Lizu, and the interpretation of each group are following.

从作品数量上看,释文珦现存诗歌尚有九百四十五首,是所知悉释子中诗歌创作最多的。Judging from the work quantity, Shi Wenxiang exists nine hundred and forty-five poems that is the most in the monks.

就辞书释文用语使用上的有关规范问题提出了一些自己的看法。Then, puts forward in the article the author's consideration on the criteria for the use of lexical annotative terms.

但字典部分释文存在有重复、歧义、循环论证、举例失当等问题。However, faults can be found in some aspects, such as repetitions, ambiguity, circular arguments and improper examples.

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我们首先将散见于各书的墓志释文收集起来,再利用所能见到的拓片逐字进行校勘。First of all we will be scattered Epitaph released the text of the book collection, and re-use can be seen rubbing collation verbatim.

近来笔者阅读此书,反复核对原拓,认真校勘,发现释文仍有疏漏之处。In recent reading, through repeated comparison and careful proofreading, the author of this article finds that there are still some oversights.

对这些脱字考补,错补的纠讹,释文不当处补释,不仅十分必要,对于其深入的研究也有所裨益。It is very necessary to add the missing words and correct the mistakes and give a reasonable explanation, which will help its further research.

阅读的教材以儒家经典为主,教学内容主要包括断句读、析章节和训释文字。The textbooks were chiefly Confucian classics, and the contents of teaching included punctuating, passage analysis and interpretation of words.

提供准确的释文是整理和研究出土文献最基础、最关键的环节。Providing accurate elucidating texts is the most foundation, the most essential link for the reorganizes and the research of unearthed literature.

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本论文试著分析、设释文本,探讨青少年的内心世界,同侪团体的影响,以及青少年与毒品及犯罪行为。"Cold Turkey" also deals with questions of teenagers and peer group influence, as well as the themes "Youth and Drugs" and "Youth and Delinquency.

资料库建成后,将为金文研究工作者,提供便捷的检索金文文献的资料工具库,具有金文铭文和释文对照检索,以及词串统计等功能。The database, when completed in early 2003, would provide handy searches for original Jinwen characters, orthographic translation as well as other useful functions.

随着帛书释文的不断发表,由此也带来了中国学术史上的革命,甚至改写了许多学术难题。With the silk book release has been publishing text, thus also brought revolution in the history of Chinese scholarship, or even rewriting a lot of academic problems.

所有方式的搜寻,或由所有方式的索引模式进入,其结果最终能进入拓片图片—释文对照版面。The results of any means of search or index can be ultimately displayed with parallel function. Original Jinwen characters are displayed with their corresponding texts.

最后对原有释文在校勘中出现错误进行专题研究,分析其错误的原因并总结校勘经验和方法。Finally, release the text of the original error in the collation of a thematic study to analyze the reasons for their error and summarizes the experience and methods of collation.

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检索结果显示该字的出现次数、对应隶定字,和该字曾出现的条号与释文。Search results show the frequency of occurrence of the required Jiagu character, the orthographic translation and the designated numbers in which the required Jiagu character appeared.

必须情景参与者在相应谓词的词典释文或元语言释文中对应的变元叫做谓词的语义配价。The variables to which the obligatory participants in the scene correspond in the dictionary definitions or in the metalanguage definitions is called the semantic valence of the predicate.