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这些都是新娘子的嫁妆啊。These are all bridal dowries.

我想知道,难道嫁妆取决于吨位吗?I wonder if the dowry depends on tonnage?

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这个柜子是为新娘的嫁妆而做的。The chest was made for a bride's trousseau.

新娘带着很多嫁妆给她丈夫。The bride brought many dowries to her husband.

我还要给你买嫁妆。And I think I'll buy your trousseau for you, too.

嫁妆箱一个,全新,五折出售,里面有说不完的故事。For sale, Hope Chest, brand new, half off, long story.

父母无法支付女儿们的嫁妆。Parents cannot afford quinceañeras for their daughters.

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我只需要给他存嫁妆钱了,这就比较好办了。I only need to save up for the dowry, which is manageable.

我父亲送给我妹妹的未婚夫一辆汽车作为嫁妆。My father portioned the car to my sister's fiance for the dowry.

漂亮的姑娘即使贫穷也等天拥有了丰富的嫁妆。A beautiful girl , though poor indeed, is yet abundantly dowered.

新娘的父母通常都买一整套的家用电器作为嫁妆陪嫁。A bride's parents often buy a whole set of white goods as a dowry.

前太太的嫁妆我全都交给大姐儿了。The ex- wife's trousseau all of me handed over to elder sister son.

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相反,如果是儿子的话,就会在将来的某天带回一位新娘和丰厚嫁妆。A boy, on the other hand, will one day bring home a bride and dowry.

三个女儿快要出嫁了,他为没有钱给她们买嫁妆而难过。Three daughters were being married, he didn't have money to buy dower.

1961年,法律更进一步地破坏印度教传统的嫁妆。The 1961 law forbidding dowries further undermined traditional Hinduism.

银沙恋人大龙出不起嫁妆不能与银沙成婚。Therefore, Yin Sha's lover Da Long can't have the approval to marry Yin Sha.

许多家庭常常因筹备婚礼和准备丰厚嫁妆而负债累累。Families often go into debt arranging marriages and paying elaborate dowries.

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其中最著名的故事是,他慷慨解囊帮助三位姑娘结婚而解决嫁妆的难题。In one famous story, he helped three girls get married by paying their dowries.

柳家老太太勉强答应了,条件是徐家要送一头耕牛做嫁妆。Liu's old lady reluctantly agreed, is Alex to send a head of cattle as a dowry.

老爷吩咐的我不敢不从,两个丫头的嫁妆一样就一样罢!Master order of I don't defiance not from, two trousseaus of wenches are similar!