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三月份是职业道德宣传月。March is Ethics Awareness Month.

法官的职业道德必须是无懈可击的。A judge's ethics should be unexceptionable.

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有很强的敬业精神和职业道德。With strong professional dedication andl ethics.

认真遵守职业道德,热爱幼儿,敬业爱岗。Abide by work ethics, love children and this job.

职业道德是做人之本,为师之本。Occupation morals of this man, the division of the.

而最重要的是,她已树立起自己的职业道德。Most importantly, however, her work ethic is grown-up.

他们仅仅做的是必须保持信念和职业道德。They just have to keep their faith and their work-ethic.

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你会如何评价韩国学生的职业道德呢?How would you evaluate the work ethic of Korean students?

他们每一个人都可以证明我有勤劳的职业道德,而且坚毅不拔。They can each attest to my hard work ethic and persistence.

四处活动批评同事是不符合职业道德的。It's unprofessional to go round criticizing your colleagues.

强调行为自律和职业道德。We emphasize in- corruptive behavior and professional moral.

这个医生被指责违反了职业道德。The doctor has been accused of violating professional ethics.

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忠诚敬业、恪守职业道德。The loyalty is respect-work, carefully obey occupation morals.

她有雇主们渴望的工作态度和职业道德。She has the kind of attitude and work ethic that employers crave.

这位单身的后卫因在绿茵场上良好的职业道德而被称道。The single defender is known for his hard work ethic on the field.

乙方遵守劳动纪律和职业道德。Labor Party B to comply with the discipline and professional ethics.

她强烈驳斥任何建议,她的表现违反职业道德标准。She strongly refutes any suggestion that she behaved unprofessionally.

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职业新闻工作者协会的职业道德守则阐明,它是一项自愿的道德操守指南。By its own terms, the SPJ code is a voluntary guide to ethical behavior.

他们的职业道德和工作作风能否融入公司?Do they have the kind of work ethic and work style which is going to fit?

然后他们问我的职业道德怎么样,还有我参加过的课外活动。and they asked about my work ethic and my extra-curricular activities I did.