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这会儿我真是有点目不暇接了。At the moment I'm a little overwhelmed.

先不说其它,自己周围的变化便令人目不暇接了。Do not say other, their surrounding changes dizzying.

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但是这个满目疮痍、血淋淋的年代仅用事实就让我目不暇接。But the era, its ruins, and its blood overwhelm us with facts.

克隆技术正在以目不暇接的速度和不可思议的方式改变着世界。Cloning is changing the world at super-speed and in strange mode.

视觉上,这部电影是一个充满创意的让你目不暇接的色彩、计划和细节的盛宴。Visually, the movie is an inventive, eye-filling feast of color, design and detail.

今年,新加坡举行了一系列令人目不暇接的艺术活动,获得了广泛的反响,成功地将很多人吸引到这个城市国家。A flurry of events this year have generated buzz and drawn crowds to the city-state.

摆在他们面前各类极具桐庐特色的剪纸作品,让他们目不暇接。Before them all kinds of great paper-cutting works Tonglu characteristics so that they dizzying.

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他们留下的石刻碑文,令游客目不暇接,叹为观止。The tourists will be marveled at a dazzling exhibition of their stone inscriptions in the resort.

为给旅游者助兴,当地政府还在石林风景区组织放礼花,整个夜空五彩缤纷,使观者目不暇接。In order to entertain the visitors, the local government also sets off fireworks in the Stone Forest.

这时候,西北最多变的气候把禾木妆扮得让人目不暇接、心旗摇曳。The changeable weather condition keeps viewers on guard and makes their heart pumping with anticipation.

新时期至今,三十年电影的历史瞬间由于社会的变革、思潮的冲撞使人目不暇接。New date, three decades since the film's historical moment of social change, thought the collision riveting.

当然你也不必非得买一件驼色的大衣,这一季的驼色单品会多得让你目不暇接。Of course you do not have to go for the traditional camel overcoat, because camel is everywhere this season.

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在各家具店里,不同款式和不同造型的沙发让人目不暇接。In each furniture store , different pattern and different formative sofa let a person too many things to see.

我们今晚抵达的科迪小镇,是典型的西部牛仔小镇,精彩的牛仔表演,让你目不暇接!We just arrived in the little town named Cody, a typical western town. Amazing cowboy shows attracts your eys!

一时间,消费者目不暇接,被吸引到洛溪、大石、钟村看楼的广州人络绎不绝。All of a sudden, consumers stunts, was attracted to Luoxi, though, the Village Kanlou people visited Guangzhou.

我们望着天空中洒下的滴滴金雨,水面上开的朵朵银花,五颜六色,我们眼花缭乱、目不暇接。We looked at the sky in the Roman shed rain water on the open-stemmed Yinhua, colorful, our dazzling, dizzying.

走进商场引人注目的位置总是陈列和销售着琳琅满目的化妆品,使人眼花缭乱、目不暇接。Enter the marketplace, a great variety of cosmetics are always displayed and sold in noticeable place, dazzling people.

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随着最近受到注意的警官未经授权的突然辞职,又有更多让人目不暇接的这类事件。As with the sudden and unwarranted resignations of Police Chiefs recently noted, there is more to this than meets the eye.

有西洋乐器、中国古典乐器,什么都有真是一个节目和一个节目目不暇接。Western musical instrument, classical Chinese musical instruments, everything is really a program, and a dizzying program.

有西洋乐器、中国古典乐器,什么都有真是一个节目和一个节目目不暇接。A Western musical instrument, classical Chinese musical instruments, everything is really a program, and a dizzying program.