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这场火灾把那所房子化为灰烬。The fire reduced the house to ashes.

与香烟为伴,你的生命将化为灰烬。With cigarettes, your life goes to ashes.

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汽油燃烧时,能看见的东西都化为灰烬。When gasoline burns, nothing visible remains.

假结婚证几秒钟就化为灰烬。The fake marriage license turned to ashes in seconds.

只要我说一句话就能使你的一切努力化为灰烬。Your efforts would be stultified by one word of mine.

大火过后,她的书已全部化为灰烬。Ashes were all that remained of her books after the fire.

他的店在大火中化为灰烬后,店主破产了。After his store burned, the storekeeper became a bankrupt.

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等我们把自由港化为灰烬后,让路劫客兽人去收拾他们吧。Let the Rujarkians take them when Freeport smolders in ruins.

俄罗斯已经被热浪烤焦,森森已经化为灰烬。Russia has been scorched by heatwave and its forests incinerated.

每晚闪电都会使这里干枯的树木化为灰烬。Descendent lightnings transforms dry trees into ashes every night.

然后把火种带回楼兰古国,在天翼山化为灰烬。And then fire back to the ancient Loulan, in the Tianyi mountain ashes.

火拥抱了木头,木头微笑著化为灰烬!The fire hugged the wood, the wood has smiled is being reduced to ashes!

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烦恼、恐惧、缺乏自信会扭曲人的灵魂,并将青春化为灰烬!Worry, fear, self-distrust bows the heart and tur the irit back to dust.

接着,天打霹雳,柴堆立即化为灰烬。Thunderbolts then fell from the sky and at once reduced the pyre to ashes.

遗憾、恐惧、缺乏自信,会扭曲人的灵魂,并将青春化为灰烬。Worry, fear, self—distrust bows the hear and turns the spirit back to dust.

魔王的头终于化为灰烬,除旧布新的泼水节也由此成为习俗。Devil's head was finally reduced to ashes, and people keep the habitude as a festival.

在布朗克斯化为灰烬,野狗在克莱曼公园闲逛之前,豪厄尔就离开了。But Howell was gone before the Bronx began to burn and wild dogs roamed Claremont Park.

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得到手后,就会发现那原来是个十足的索多姆苹果,还没到口便化为灰烬了。It will prove, when attained, a very apple of Sodom, dying between the hand and the mouth.

来自那里的火焰会阻止你的灵魂化为灰烬,防止你的思想变得一团糟。The fire from it will keep your soul from turning to ashes and your mind from turning to mush.

可是,江一雄似乎早有发觉——所以乔家绸缎庄曾经化为灰烬!However, Jiang a male seems to have found earlier, so jstars silks and satins Zhuang once to ashes!