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婚嫁状况并不能驱动历史。Material conditions do not drive history.

天主教的教士不准婚嫁。Catholic priests are not allowed to marry.

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我将披起婚嫁的丝带,作为铭刻永恒的标志。These I will wear as a wedding band, a symbol of permanence.

对我们列席的每个人而言,今天真是个令人欢欣的我的婚嫁网子!Today is indeed a joyous occasion for all of us present here!

或许她还未到婚嫁年龄,但我怀疑。Perhaps she is on the sunny side of marriage age but I doubt it.

玛丽亚跟荷西坠入了情网并且论及了婚嫁。Maria was so much in love with Jose, and she wanted to marry him.

苗家走亲、婚嫁,仍保留“拦路”和“卡鼓”的风俗。Miao go pro, marriage is still the "highway" and "Point Card" custom.

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上海的婚嫁消费成本在全国居首位。The wedding expenses in Shanghai are among the highest in the country.

剩男剩女是指超过晚婚年龄仍未婚嫁的青年男女。The "left" male and female refer to the unmarried young people of both sexes.

但是,最能体现婚嫁所带来的深刻经济影响的,莫过于住房市场。Yet nowhere is the economic impact so potentially profound as in the housing market.

如扫尘、贴对联、剪窗花、洗浴婚嫁等。Such as Spring dust, stick couplets, cut window, bath and hair, and marriage held, etc.

在中国这个古老的东方国度里,人们对婚嫁礼仪非常重视。In China, this ancient oriental country, people attach great importance to the marriage ceremony.

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居官、婚嫁均以此为主要参考,政治作用较强。Both officialdom and marriages had it as the main references, for it had a strong political effect.

最后竟声称寡年无春,不宜婚嫁。Finally unexpectedly claimed in spring, unfavorable oligosaccharides. glucohexaose without marriage.

传统的贯穿人生的礼仪主要有诞生礼、冠笄礼、婚嫁礼、丧葬祭礼等。The mayor life rites are birth rite, adulthood rite, marriage rite and funeral sacrificial rite etc.

穆罕默德说,“如果丈夫和妻子各自的婚嫁年龄是恰当的,我不觉得会有人报道这件事儿。If the ages had been proper between the husbands and new wives, I don't think anyone would have reported it.

“自梳女”是珠江三角洲特有的一种婚嫁习俗,兴起于明代,盛行于清代,是当时妇女对封建婚姻制度的一种畸形的反抗。Self-bunning" is a marriage custom in the Triangular area along the Zhu River, which started in the Qing Dynasty."

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滇越铁路的开通给近代昆明城市居民带来了翻天覆地的变化,关于婚嫁,人们的思想和行为也随之改变。Working of DianYue railroad has led to tremendous changes in marriage, ideas and behaviors in Kumming in modem times.

中国正处于婚嫁的黄金时期,从摄影工作室到全球铂金矿商的各行各业因此受益。China is in the midst of a golden age of weddings, a boon for businesses from photo studios to global platinum miners.

滇越铁路的开通给近代昆明城市居民带来了翻天覆地的变化,关于婚嫁,人们的思想和行为也随之改变。Working of DianYue railroad has led to tremendous changes in marriage, ideas and behaviors in Kumming in modern times.