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经过几个小时的盘问以后,他开始吐露了真情。After hours of grilling he opened up.

然后你仔细盘问了我一个小时。And you cross-examined me for an hour.

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他不理睬哨兵喝令止步的盘问。He ignored the sentry's challenge to halt.

他是不速之客,反而盘问个不停。It was he, the intruder, who interrogated.

他在盘问中被迫受到牵连。No one can be forced to incriminate himself.

我在早餐桌上被反复盘问。I was cross-examined over the breakfast table.

警官们迅速上前盘问,质疑他的指控。The officers quickly challenged his accusation.

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警察对犯人严厉盘问,直到他认罪为止。The police grilled the prisoner until he confessed.

你看见阿谁男孩受接事人的盘问了吗?。Did you see that boy being questioned by the police?

我在早餐桌上被反复盘问。E. g. I was cross-examined over the breakfast table.

在老师不断地盘问下,他有些局促不安。Questioned persistently by the teacher, he squirmed.

他们的作证和盘问是平淡无事的。Their testimony and cross-examination were uneventful.

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我妻子盘问我昨天是在什么地方过的夜。My wife interrogated me where I stayed over last night.

所有的男孩子无一例外地都受到盘问。All of the boys, without exception, were cross-examined.

我盘问了那个案犯,但没有发现新的证据。I cross-examined that suspect, but found no new evidence.

警察严厉地盘问了他两小时,才放他走。He was grilled for two hours before the police let him go.

陌生人一出现,士兵便喝令她站住,加以盘问。The soldier challenged the stranger as soon as she appeared.

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他以为会遭到什么盘问,于是准备了一张地图来应对。He'd anticipated a grilling, and had a map ready to show her.

即使花上一整夜,我也要从囚犯口中盘问出真相。I'll get the truth out of the prisoner if it takes all night.

但在对特列维进行盘问之后,警方却犯了糊涂。But after questioning Trevi, police said they could not be sure.