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他们都祝福我。They blessed me.

祝福你,我的孩子!Bless you, my boy!

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衷心祝福你!Best wishes to you!

祝福您,老师!Bless you, teachers!

衷心祝福你!I wish you the best!

月亮祝福我。The moon blesses me.

马克谨呈最诚挚的祝福。Best wishes from Mark.

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就连再旸都会祝福我。Even zaiyang wished me.

他祝福你成功。He wishes you Godspeed.

我为您祝福,青年人。I bless you, young man.

祝福无重数,全是我发出。No, blessing all is me.

恨意少一点,祝福多一点。Less hate, more blessed.

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祝福最好的云都赢。May the best clouds win.

给你我最好的祝福。You have my best wishes.

再见,里克,祝福你。Bye, Rick. God bless you.

耶稣是蒙祝福的那一位。Jesus is the Blessed One.

孩子们谨呈最诚挚的祝福。Best wishes from the kids.

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祝福你,明迪公主。Bless you, Princess Mindy.

于是在那里给雅各祝福。Then he blessed him there.

我们将蒙神的祝福。We will be blessed by God.