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会员国可提出候选人。Member States may propose candidates.

南苏丹成为联合国第193个会员国。UN welcomes South Sudan as its 193rd member.

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中国是联合国的创始会员国之一。China is a founding member of the United Nations.

现在国际田联共有213个会员国。Now the IAAF has a total of 213 member federation.

联合国每项成绩都离不开会员国的支持。Every success owes to the support of its member states.

世界童军总会的会员国数增至140个。Membership in World Organization reaches 140 countries.

我们必须无愧于会员国的期望。We have to live up to the expectations of Member States.

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改革进程由会员国推动并具有包容性。The process of reform is Member State-driven and inclusive.

联合国是191个会员国的大家庭,团结是力量所在。The UN family has 191 members. Unity is the source of strength.

世卫组织将致力于协助其会员国开展这项工作。WHO is committed to assisting its member states with that task.

欧牛耳委由各会员国轮流担任。The European Union's presidency rotates between member countries.

它的创始会员国是39个,截至2002年,这一数字增加到184个。Its initial membership of 39 has grown to 184 as of the year 2002.

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葡萄牙目前是联合国安理会的非常任轮值会员国,任期两年。Portugal is in the middle of a two-year term as a non-permanent U. N.

但大家都一致坚持应通过由会员国推动的包容性进程开展改革。But all of you insisted on an inclusive process driven by Member States.

会员国之间使用特别提款权可采用协议或指定的办法。Inter-member country use of SDR's may be by agreement or by designation.

注意各会员国可提交新的决议供卫生大会审议。Note that Member States can submit new resolutions for WHA consideration.

其次,我不能容忍滥用我们与会员国的关系。Second, I will not tolerate abuse of our relationship with Member States.

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其决定最终将对各欧盟会员国具有约束效力。Ultimately its decisions would have binding powers over EU member states.

这些战略反应世卫组织与会员国合作的中期战略。These reflect WHO's medium-term strategy for cooperation with Member States.

现在逮捕他的警报已经遍及所有国际刑警组织会员国。Now the alert for his detainment has spread across all Interpol member states.