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它占据着朴茨茅斯港的制高点。It occupies a commanding position at the head of Portsmouth Harbour.

然而,挥霍无度的人却并不必然能够占据道德制高点。Spendthrifts, however, don't necessarily have the moral high ground.

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Bogdo山是俄罗斯阿斯特拉罕地区的制高点,有150米。Mount Bogdo is the highest point of the Astrakhan region. 150 meters!

这意味着女性角色很少占据这样的制高点,而这就是问题所在。This means there are very few female role models at the top end and that is an issue.

这将使得美国很难要求在哥本哈根取得道德制高点。This will make it difficult for America to claim the moral high ground at Copenhagen.

沙丘是平地上的制高点,所以上面景观很好。The sand dune is the highest point in a flat landscape, so it offers spectacular views.

凭柱阁是园内的制高点,因沿袭天柱魏碑的历史而建。Park House is a column with the high ground, followed by the history of Tianzhu Weibei built.

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俄罗斯政府花了十年时间牢固确立了一系列占据经济制高点的盟友。The Kremlin has spent a decade entrenching one set of allies at the commanding heights of the economy.

如果你只能吞进去一点点,那么确保你的舌头对制高点的控制。And if you're only able to take in a little bit, make sure your tongue pays attention to that sweet spot.

因此上周的这个大新闻实际显示的是北京是如何‘浪费’了它的法律和经济的制高点。So the big news from last week is the way Beijing managed to squander its legal and economic high ground.

中国经济和金融体系的制高点仍然为政府所控制。The commanding heights of China’s economy and its financial system are still dominated by the government.

就在几个月前,这个位于城市制高点的基地,还只驻扎着不到二百名的警卫队士兵。Justmonths before, the base, on a plateau overlooking the city, housed fewer than200 National Guard soldiers.

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2009年兆瓦机的批量生产,显示华仪又一次抢占了风电行业的制高点。In 2009 the mass production of megawatt-level units showed that Huayi had become an industry leader once more.

从梅迪娜旅馆屋顶的制高点上听起来,射击声像来自城里的四面八方。From the vantage point of the Medina Guest House's roof, it sounded like it was coming from every corner of the town.

在1944年的夏天,日军控制了这座山的制高点,盟军则对其发起进攻。In the summer of 1944 the Allies battled thousands of Japanese who had commandeered the mountain's strategic heights.

而有效的新产品营销策略是企业占领制高点,走向胜利的关键。And effective new product marketing strategy is occupying a commanding height and the key to victory in the enterprise.

不过我们有需要去贬低过去的历史和人类,以把我们自身抬举到人类与动物成就的制高点。But we have a need to denigrate the past and its people, to put ourselves at the height of achievement, human and animal.

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因其在寺内东部的制高点上,是佛光寺的大雄宝殿,故名东大殿。Because of their high ground in the eastern part of the Temple, the Buddhist temple is the Main Hall, named the East hall.

我们天黑时进村,民兵们在村子的一些制高点布了岗。We had entered after dark and while some militiamen took up outposts on the heights above the village, the Field Mouse, Mr.

从山顶制高点我们远眺连绵的绿色海洋,地平线上起伏的远山像是海啸的排浪。From its hilltop vantage point, we gaze over an unbroken green sea in which craggy hills loom on far horizons like tsunamis.