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积极运筹与主要大国关系。Actively promoting relations with the major countries.

他年轻有为,巧于运筹。He's a clever young man and knows how to play his cards well.

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运筹策帏帐之中,决胜千里之外。Scheming in the commander's tent win a battle a thousand li away.

现在在运筹及金融工程系,读大三。I'm a junior in the Operations Research and Financial Engineering Department.

广义上的战略则是指带全局性或长远性的运筹和谋划。Strategy in broad sense means the overall or long term strategy and design of the war.

她们坐在那里运筹数小时,只为谋划咋样让顾客满意的办法。They sit and strategize for hours, plotting theirs way to theirs clients' satisfaction.

排球进攻战术的组织与运用是通过二传队员足智多谋的运筹谋略来实现的。The organization and application of the attacks of the second pass are realized by using tactics.

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方法运筹传统、经验与创新,用科学的思维指导实践。Methods By comprehensive utilization of the tradition, experience, innovation and scientific thought.

精实生产连结ERP系统,整合生产价值链,从采购直到库存运筹。Connection of lean production with ERP system, integrate production value chain from purchase to logistics.

运筹唯握,掌握商机——浩华会员所能为阁下洞悉先机,抢先提出有效的解决方案。Capitalize on opportunities – our member firms can anticipate your needs or offer a fast response to your requests.

在不同的产业领域区隔中,确立T公司物流运筹货运承揽服务的地位。Separates in the different industrial domain area, establishes T Corp. to flow the logistics freight service status.

运筹分析师建立有用的数学与统计模型,协助解决各项问题的决策。The operations research analyst develops and uses mathematical and statistical models to help solve these decision problems.

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事实就是这著名媒体的编辑会“运筹于帷幄之中,决胜于千里之外”。Truth is the famous media editor has the ability to "Devise strategies within a command to win a victory thousands miles away."

战术导弹发射阵地选择是导弹作战兵力运筹的重要组成部分,其本质是一多准则多属性决策问题。The launch position selection is one of the important parts of the Military Operational Research, which actually is a MADM problem.

诊断学教学过程的合理运筹,有利于教学质量的提高。The key to the management of clinical colleges is to improve teaching-administering bodies and construct the faculty of diagnostics.

可是当年民主党尽是一群初出茅庐的政治新手,所以他们只好求助于小泽一郎,自民党出类拔萃的重量级运筹人士。But, as a party of neophytes , they turned to Mr Ozawa, a heavyweight who first made his name as a brilliant operator within the LDP.

指出优化小麦群体质量的关键技术途径是科学确定适宜基本苗数、合理利用分蘖和改进肥料运筹。The key techniques were to make sure the proper basic seedling no. , to utilize tillers reasonably and to improve fertilizer application.

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通过不同氮肥运筹方式,探讨淦鑫688的吸氮特性及其对群体发育和产量形成的影响。Ganxin688 was studied for its characteristics of nitrogen absorbability and their impact on the population development and yield formation.

正是这些博大精深运筹乾坤的灿烂文化,开拓着华夏子孙容天容地的智慧、意志与胸襟。It is this profound and splendid culture that has brought about the great wisdom, strong will and open-minded character of the Chinese nation.

碰巧得到了一个验证这些理论的完美机会——我可以刻意的用市集的风格来运筹一个开源项目。Chance handed me a perfect way to test my theory, in the form of an open- source project that I could consciously try to run in the bazaar style.