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丘吉尔接到的报告称,一架侦察机在执行完任务穿越英国海岸返航途中,遭到一架不明飞行物的尾随。by a UFO as it crossed the British coast.

首批侦察机开始空降行动。So the first scouts start the landing operation.

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他乘着一架怪鸟式小型侦察机飞抵罗马。He was flown out in a tiny Stork spotter plane to Rome.

几架侦察机和一艘海岸警卫队快艇来了又走了。Several search planes, along with a Coast Guard cutter, came and went.

其中一艘舰只将炮管瞄向日方侦察机。One of the ships turned its gun turret on a Japanesereconnaissance plane.

海军播放了无人驾驶侦察机“扫描鹰”拍摄的现场画面。The navy released images of the scene from an unmanned drone, Scan Eagle.

但是中国飞行员在P8侦察机上做桶滚飞行特技就专业吗?But Chinese pilots doing barrel rolls over P-8 aircraft is "professional"?

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现在侦察机报告了“许多敌船”正在接近的埃斯佩兰斯海角。Now a scout aircraft reported "many enemy ships" approaching Cape Esperance.

RC-135电子侦察机监视潜在威胁的电子活动。RC-135 Rivet joint aircraft monitor electronic activities of potential threats.

工程师别里耶夫的设计生涯始于水上侦察机MBR-2。Engineer Beriev on his own initiative started to design the sea nigh scout MBR-2.

1955年,该公司绝密的U2侦察机完成首次飞行。In 1955, the company's top-secret U2 reconnaissance aircraft made its first flight.

他也派遣无人侦察机去那些被美国军队称之为“Af-Park”的地区。He has also stepped up drone attacks on what the American army calls the “Af-Pak” region.

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为了进行这项工作,每个步兵军和每个装甲师都配有近程侦察机中队。Short-range squadrons were attached to infantry corps and panzer divisions for this work.

无人侦察机实时仿真系统用于进行地面控制站的模拟训练。The UAV real-time simulation system is used for simulation training of ground control station.

即使有侦察机在半里开外盘旋,也很难发现一辆埋在雪堆里的灰色卡车。Even when a search plane circled half a mile away, it was easy to miss a gray truck buried in snow.

我已经告诉你们终止攻击了!为甚么还要射下侦察机?AWACS Thunerhead Wardog, I told you to terminate your attack! Why did you shoot down the recon plane?

第三飞行大队和它的纽波特式侦察机不断骚扰敌人,扫射土耳其人的阵地。No3 Wing and its Nieuport Scouts made a constant nuisance of themselves by strafing Turkish positions.

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这都是因为2001年一架中国战斗机与一架美国侦察机的相撞事件。This was all but frozen in 2001 after a collision between a Chinese fighter and an American spy-plane.

俄国人只派了两架侦察机,就使美日军演惊出了一身冷汗。Russians just sent two reconnaissance aircraft to the US-Japan military exercise in a cold sweat panic.

一个麦可罗斯人的侦察机刚刚飞过峡谷,并且没有发现他军队的存在。A Micronian recon ship had already overflown the canyon and failed to detect the presence of his troops.