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他在这一海滨区域拥有一栋消夏别墅。I. , the beach community where he had a summer home.

一个年约二十八岁的男子来我们村消夏。A man of about twenty-eight spent a summer in our village.

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是您理想的避暑、消夏、观光的绝好胜地。Is your ideal summer, Summer, an excellent tourist resort.

他们通常在海边的别墅里消夏。In summer, they usually stay in their chateau by the ocean.

建立一个保龄球之夜,开辟一个私家花园,每年暑假时去固定的地方消夏,为什么不试试这些呢?Or grow a family garden? Or visit the same spot every year for summer vacation?

因此,从古代起,人们就有了很多三伏天避暑消夏的活动。Thus, from ancient times, people developed many activities to escape the heat of Dog Days.

从前,这城里的许多人们,他们来自我的家乡,想要在这儿消夏。Before, many people in the city came from my home town wants to spend the summer days here.

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1984年7月27日,乔治·贺瑞斯·盖洛普因心脏病突发在他的瑞士消夏别墅中去世。George Horace Gallup died of a heart attack at his summer home in Switzerland on July 27th.

将柠檬片放入你的消夏饮品中,可以是冰茶,也当然可以只是一杯清水。Add some slices to your favorite summertime beverages including iced tea and of course, water.

每逢夏季,国内外旅游者纷纷来到这里避暑、休憩、游览、消夏。During the summer, tourists at home and abroad have come here shelters, leisure, travel, holidays.

盛夏季节,海风习习,气候清爽,是避暑消夏的好地方。Midsummer season, enjoyment of the sea breezes , cool climate, is a good place for summer holidays.

每年夏季,水草丰美,牛羊肥壮,气候凉爽宜人,是人们消夏避暑的理想之地。Every summer, water-rich, fat cattle and sheep, the climate is nice and cool in the summer Summer is the ideal.

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第五章进一步从宏观上研究长春市消夏旅游产品开发措施。The fifth Chapter researches on the macro-level study of Changchun summer tourism product development measures.

夏季,很多女性喜欢上泳池游泳,不仅能消夏解暑,还能减压消遣。The summer, many women like to swim the pool swims, can not only good summer, still can reduced pressure pastime.

建立一个保龄球之夜,开辟一个私家花园,每年暑假时去固定的地方消夏,为什麽不试试这些呢?Why not set up a bowling night once a month?Or grow a family garden?Or visit the same spot every year for summer vacation?

斯卡费村原本有45户居民,如今,这个村子空无一人,Yiorgos在冬天会来此居住一段时间,在夏天则有12个希腊老人在此消夏。Skafi once had a population of about 45 families but todayit is populated by Yiorgos alone in the winter and about a dozen elderly Greekswho come in the summer.

但在火灾发生之际,梅德韦杰夫却正在黑海的消夏别墅度假,后来才返回莫斯科。Medvedev, by contrast, was at his summer residence by the Black Sea in Sochi while forests burned, then returned to Moscow to castigate officials at the Kremlin.

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它的许多优点之一,就是该发电站可满足一大片的海岸沿线的用电需求,但该片海岸线是肯尼迪家族及其他世家,连续几代人消夏圣地。Among its many benefits, the park would meet the electricity needs of a gorgeous strip of coast where Kennedys and other grand folk have been summering for several generations.

植物以针叶林为主,赤松、黑松、刺槐、麻栎、枰柳为优势树种,四季分明,降水丰沛,具备避暑消夏优势。Coniferous forest to plant-based, Akamatsu, black pine, black locust, oak Ma, Liu Ping was the dominant species, four distinct seasons, abundant rainfall, with summer holidays advantage.

在消夏的时候,仰望天空,他注意到大一点的鸟儿,例如鹰和隼,能乘着热气流在高空中不拍打翅膀极其优雅地逗留很久。Daydreaming in summer, looking upwards, he noticed thatthe larger birds, hawks and eagles, could stay aloft for longer, ridingthermals with supreme elegance without flapping their wings.