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它使墙底下的冻土膨胀隆起。That sends the frozen-ground-swell under it.

他们用镐把坚硬的冻土凿开。They broke the hard frozen earth with picks.

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你何苦将柔情封进冻土?。Why the tender love into frozen earth, you save?

冻土带的生命循环将受到怎样的影响呢?How will the life cycles of the tundra be affected?

与此同时,这些村庄也坐落在永冻层上,尽管冻土已不再“永久”。They also sit on permafrost, which isn't "perma" anymore.

并讨论了冻土挡墙的设计方法。Finnaly, the method of designing frozen wall as presented.

森林是深绿色,而冻土带仍然是黄褐色。The forest is dark green, while the tundra is still brown.

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冻土带与森林之间在照片上呈现出一条分界线。The line between tundra and forest runs through this image.

永久冻土通常具有冰点以下的丰富水资源。Permafrost is soil, often water-rich, that is below freezing.

增加了雪和冻土环境的光雪天气效果。Added light snow weather effect for snow and tundra environments.

风火山隧道是目前世界上海拔最高的冻土隧道。Fenghuoshan Tunnel is the highest frozen earth tunnel in the world.

2008年的5月25号,“凤凰”号成功登陆火星北极附近的永久冻土带。Phoenix successfully landed Mars' far-northern site on May 25, 2008.

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由于冻土融化,陆地会失去吸水性。As the permafrost melts, the land loses its capacity to absorb water.

冻裂是多年冻土地区沥青路面的主要病害。Frost crack is the main failuve of asphalt pavement in permafrost region.

来自冻土带上面的石油对美国的发展至关重要。Oil from beneath the tundra is very important to the nations' development.

短短的夏季里,表面很薄的一层冻土融化了。During the brief summer , a thin layer of frozen soil thaws at the surface.

水合物形成于寒冷气候下,如永久冻土带和深水下。Hydrates form in cold climates, such as permafrost zones and in deep water.

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不得回填淤泥、腐植土、冻土及有机物质。Not backfilling silt, corruption and graft, permafrost soil organic matter.

冻土的融化明显提高了土壤淀积层的贮水量。The change of soil unsaturated pondage has the similarity of the soil water.

抓牢你的梦想,因为如果失去梦想,生命就成了一块覆盖着冰雪的贫瘠的冻土。Hold fast to dreams, for when dreams go, life is a barren field frozen with snow.