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有两名至今还在监狱。Two are still in jail.

但是至今,还没有回应。But no answers were given.

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俺至今,没有被抓到第二次。I haven’t been caught since.

受其影响,海南岛中东部受到暴风雨袭击,至今尚无伤亡报道。No casualties were reported.

在那之后纳迪娅至今未能回家。Nadia hasn't been home since.

她至今仍然抱有这个希望。This hope she still fostered.

是的,至今我依然健在。Yes, I am surviving thus far.

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所以至今,它们没有灭绝。So far, they resist extinction.

至今我还觉得很有趣。so far it's pretty interesting.

他至今看起来仍像是精神受过创伤的样子。He still looks traumatised today.

至今她还在为他的去世而伤心。Now she still hurt for his death.

那份童真至今仍让她怀念。Share of innocence still miss her.

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第二个是至今仍毫无头绪的未解之谜。The second one is a total mystery.

和平希望至今仍属杳然。There is as yet no hope for peace.

但是,为什么FASB至今没有这样做?Why doesn't FASB require that now?

为什么这个问题至今解决不了?Why the problem can not be solved?

阿森纳门将位置至今悬而未决。The position of goalkeeper is moot.

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但是,这一数字至今尚未更新。But the number has not been updated.

自从去年至今他未回过家。He hasn't been home since last year.

至今没有人试图暗杀我。Nobody ever tried to assassinate me.