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车厢里紧凑而舒适。It’s compact but cosy.

他们舒适地在床上蜷着。He lay awake in his bed.

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扩大你的舒适区。Expand your comfort zone.

这个公寓房很舒适。This flat is comfortable.

我舒适地仰坐着看电视。I settled back to watch TV.

这大衣穿上去很舒适呢。The coat wears comfortably.

深夜里舒适的臂腕。The comforting arm of night.

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是那有衬里的舒适棉被吗?The cozy bedsheet with lining?

今日凉风习习,非常舒适。It's breezy and pleasant today.

快速轻松地滑舒适。Quick and Easy slip-on comfort.

快速和容易滑舒适。Quick and easy slip-on comfort.

弹性舒适的袖子。Elasticized sleeves for comfort.

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有时候,是十分的不舒适。Sometimes v-e-r-y uncomfortable.

你想要有个舒适安乐的时光You want to have an easier time.

您的舒适区到外面往。Get outside of your comfort zone.

柔软舒适针织棉帽衫。Soft and cozy knit cotton hoodie.

使用舒适的床上用品。and use very comfortable bedding.

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我称此阶段为“舒适阶段”。I call this "The Sweatpants Phase.

我认为坐飞机既安全又舒适。I think it's safe and comfortable.

在这个书房里工作令人感到舒适。This study is pleasant to work in.