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她可能一会儿的工夫就反反复复唠叨好几遍,但她记起来了。But she remembers.

这样反反复复,又过了几年。Lather, rinse and repeat for several years.

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就像是断尾求全,反反复复多少次。Like a tail perfection, repeated many times.

我反反复复钓了好几次,还是一条鱼也没有。I repeatedly caught several times, or a fish nor.

而各方对这种反反复复的沟通似乎都并不介意。All parties seemed tolerant of the back and forth.

我每天反反复复的数着安杰的归期。I counted every day the date when jack would return.

同时,这样的一段时期,是反反复复,模棱两可,困惑迷茫的。This is a time of overlap, or ambiguity and of confusion.

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有人反反复复对他说,他的问题由不得他自己。He was repeatedly told that his problem was beyond his control.

我付出的情有多深重,反反复复的爱不能相拥。I pay the sentiment has gravely, the repeated love cannot support.

老师反反复复地讲得学生打消了愚蠢想法。The teacher drubbed those silly notions out of the student's head.

比如说它的文体,其文体是反反复复地重复的。The style,for example, over and over again the style is repetitious.

珍妮激动得又哭又叫,反反复复地说了好多声“我爱你……”,最后终于说“我愿意。”After tears and shrieks and lots of "I love you's, " Jennie said yes.

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反反复复,这些思想观念也开始失去了其内在价值。Due to repetition, these ideas also begin to have no intrinsic value.

阅读时可能得反反复复才能看懂它。You might have to read something a few times before you understand it.

有许多事情、习惯或是家务活你总是反反复复做了一遍又一遍。There are many actions, habits and chores that you do over and over again.

请你停一会儿号码?你从早到晚都在反反复复唱同一首歌!You have been singing the same song again and again from morning till evening!

爱情的甜蜜痛苦,记得清清楚楚,爱了会哭哭了会输,反反复复看不清前路。Love is sweet pain, remember, love will see will lose, and can not see the road.

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曾将在幽幽暗暗反反复复中追问,才知道平平淡淡从从容容才是真。Who will faint in secret repeatedly asked, know nothing exciting is really from a leisurely.

去去留留,反反复复,走走停停,樱花树上的樱花,为谁绽开为谁发出花香。Go or stay, repeatedly, stop-and-go, cherry tree blossoms cherry, who is who sent the flowers.

各位,对方反反复复地在讲有关我过去生活的一些可恶的谎话,这些话纯粹是恶言中伤。Folks, these nasty lies other people keep telling about my past life are nothing but mudslinging.