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我想看见你真的帮厨。I wanna see you help cook.

妈妈需要额外的人手帮厨。Mother needs extra help in the kitchen.

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他们坚持要给我们帮厨。They insisted on helping us in the kitchen.

这位厨师负责管理帮厨工。The cook is in charge of the kitchen helper.

帮厨,帮厨…他们都算厨师也很重要。Commis, commis, they're cooks. Very important.

不久以后,她便辞去了那份帮厨的工作,开始了她的写作生涯。She soon quit her kitchen job to take up writing.

在伦敦,他找到一份工作,为一个富商的厨师做帮厨。In London he found a job helping the cook of a rich merchant.

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帮厨在厨房的工作地位就像酒店的杂工在餐厅的工作地位一样。The helpers are to the kitchen what the bussers are to the dining room.

我在我姐姐开的寄宿公寓里帮厨,剥剥洋葱,削削土豆。She answered, "I peel onions and potatoes in my sister's boarding house."

恐怖常常集中在一个参加过战争的老退伍兵身上,后来做了帮厨,别名叫芭比。Often that horror is trained on a war vet turned line cook who goes by the nickname Barbie.

星期日下午,复习功课的复习功课,帮厨的帮厨。On Sunday afternoon, some reviewed their lessons, and others helped the cooks in their work.

制定时间、管理指导帮厨。维持库存和记录的食品,供应品和设备。Schedule and supervise kitchen helpers. Maintain inventory and records of food, supplies and equipment.

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万能刀,刀如其名,可以用于很多工作,经常作为多余的刀供帮厨者使用。Utility knives, as the name implies, are used for many jobs and often serve as an extra knife for a kitchen helper to use.

饭店里的帮厨穿着闪亮的白色夹克,嘴角里叼着小旗,摇摇晃晃地站在饭店外面的护栏上。Kitchen workers in crisp white jackets, fags hanging from the corners of their mouths, stood precariously on the railings outside restaurants.

佩莉,那个帮厨的老女仆,正从菜场回来,她的菜篮里装满了蔬菜,踩着泥浆一步一步吃力地走着,被雨淋得浑身都湿透了。Peari, the old scullery maid, is coming from the market, her basket laden with vegetables, wading through the slush and drenched with the rain.

我开始四处打工,做家教,帮厨,在学校里做一些力所能及的事情,总之,我想尽量减轻他的负担。I started to work, family, the kitchen, in school and do some things do everything in one's power, in short, I want to try to lessen his burden.

生产的领导是厨师长,他的主要助手是助理厨师长和专业厨师长,营养师,帮厨和洗碗工。The head of production is the chef, whose principal assistants are the assistant and specialty chef, dietitians, kitchen helpers, and dishwashers.

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莱斯-布朗和他的双胞胎兄弟出生在迈阿密一个非常贫困的社区,出生后不久就被帮厨女工梅米-布朗收养了。Les Brown and his twin brother were adopted by Mamie Brown, a kitchen worker and maid, shortly after their birth in a poverty-stricken Miami neighborhood.

一位令人尊敬的80岁高龄的老太太,曾经在过去的12年里接受了一次又一次的白血病治疗。现在,她已经开始在当地的老年活动中心帮厨了。A remarkable 80-year-old woman, who has been treated on and off for leukemia for the past 12 years, began helping out in the kitchen of her local senior citizens' center.

如果父母让孩子一起帮厨,让孩子享受到自己的劳动成果,闻到油烟和饭菜的香味,自然可以调动他们的胃口。If parents allow their children to help in the mess kitchen for the children to enjoy the fruits of their own labour, Wen to fume and food smell, we can mobilize their appetite.