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那儿,我发现一片没有树木的开阔地。There, I found open ground without trees.

队伍到达开阔地便成扇形摆开阵势。The troops fanned out in a northerly direction.

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队伍到达开阔地便成扇形摆开阵势。The troops fanned out as they reached open ground.

那边那块开阔地是搭帐篷的好地方。That space over there is a great place to put the tent.

“出去,弟兄们,出去,和他们在开阔地拼!弯刀!”船长叫道。Out, lads, out, and fight 'em in the open! Cutlasses! ' cried the captain.

最后,我们来到了一个开阔地,我们能够看到天空和我们四周的大地。At last we come to a clear area. We can see the sky and the land around us.

于是,勒明人把荚果拖到开阔地,把它们修成小屋。Instead, the Lurmen dragged the pods into a clearing and used them as huts.

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烟幕弹用于开阔地或者街巷的隐蔽。Smoke grenades are used for concealment while moving over open areas such as streets.

他们来到外面的开阔地坐下,那两个耷拉着苦瓜脸。They went out into the open country and sat down, and the two pulled sorrowful faces.

他们一起穿过公路,迅速通过一片开阔地,接着,他又跳过一个篱笆。They all crossed the road and hurried down an open field, and then he jumped another fence.

从地理上讲,此处仿佛是堪萨斯州和西德克萨斯的丘陵地带中间的一片开阔地。Geologically, this big-sky land seems an odd cross between Kansas and West Texas hill country.

池塘的旁边是一片开阔地,长满了各种小野花。Beside the pond is a piece of open land with various kinds of small wild flowers growing on it.

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从地理上讲,此处仿佛是堪萨斯州和西德克萨斯的丘陵地带中间的一片开阔地。Geologically, this big-sky land seems an odd cross between Kansas and West Texas hill country.

离开人群,我来到一片开阔地,我敬畏地看着这些天使,并向他们招手。Stepping from the crowd I walked into the open. I look in awe at these angels and wave at them.

我们下车去伸伸胳膊和腿,我们前面是一片开美丽的开阔地。We got out of the car to stretch a little. In front of us was a beautiful stretch of open land.

我们抵达森林里的一个开阔地,在这里可以看到一公里半开外的地方。As we reached a clearing in the forest, we were able to see forward up to a kilometer-and-a-half.

保险的打法是,先进入球道左侧的大开阔地,然后劈击一杆,球会顺着短而高的轨迹越过沙坑直接登上果岭。The safe play is to the large left side of the fairway and pitch over the sand bunkers onto the green.

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随后,我就看到一只动物追到了湖附近的开阔地,湖已经干涸了,离我不过一箭之遥,但我还是没有完全看清楚。One had moved into the opening around a drying lake just a stone's throw from me, but I couldn't find it.

横穿一片开阔地是缓慢并且充满危险的,因为扑食者可能正在寻找容易的目标。Progress across open ground is slow and fraught with danger as predators are on the lookout for easy pickings.

其余的从线路图上看散布在城镇之间有广阔的开阔地的其他几个州。The rest are scattered through a few other states that have on their road maps wide-open spaces between towns.