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本可如何亮丽翩跹在绿色的海湾Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay

轻唤你的名字,今生的心有灵犀蝶舞翩跹!Mews your name, life's heart consonance Splendor Fantasy!

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年华翩跹,舞出了眼角的细纹,又是一年。Love Fantasy, dance out the eyes of fine lines, but also one year.

水波潋滟,山峦重嶂,但又怎比这水仙的舞步翩跹。The waves were beside the daffodils and the mountains around them.

她更像一只色彩绚丽的蝴蝶,她的舞姿翩跹,楚楚动人!She is more like a flowery colors butterfly, her dancing shake, lovely!

秧歌龙狮舞翩跹,营运活力赛八仙。The eight immortals yangko, dragon-lion dance to the operating vitality.

曾经的红叶,它们宗族中最后的一片叶子,如跳舞一般翩跹落下。The once red leaf, the last of its clan, that dances as often as dance it can.

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更重要的是,我与父母在雪花飘舞之时翩跹而起,徜徉于天际。What is more, I skied against the snowflakes dancing with my parents in the sky.

不再刻意期盼,在心里,有一种更轻盈的期待正翩跹而来。No longer desirably hoped for, at heart, one kind of lither anticipation lightly.

我的灵目透过窗缝偷窥,退后,翩跹于遮阳棚下。My mind's eye, peeping through the window, backs off, fluttering under the awning.

它翩跹于天地之间,以天使的姿态!She trippingly flies between the heaven and the earth, by the posture of an angel.

人生当如彩蝶,间或停憩,勿忘翩跹。When life such as butterflies, occasionally stop recreation, do not forget lightly.

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一袭白纱,素裹玲珑,翩跹舞步,却也盈盈如昔。Dressed in white, Su-wrapped exquisite, lightly dance steps, but also graceful as ever.

幸福是在春天的原野,看春意盎然,蝶舞翩跹。Happiness is the prairie in spring, seeing a spring idea full of life, the butterfly dances.

我的灵魂像是一条沉醉于翩跹大海的鲸鱼一般的飞舞高扬着。And my spirit soared free like a great whale gliding through the sea of silent euphoria. Harmonic.

两条平行线,偏有了交点,化蝶,羽翅翩跹出爱情的诗篇。Two parallel lines, side with the intersection, turning into a butterfly, Yuchi lightly out of love poems.

我的语言无足轻重,然而,当我的作品因蕴意深刻而沉淀时,它们却能够踏着岁月的浮波翩跹舞蹈。My words that are slight may lightly dance upon time’s waves, when my works heavy with import have gone down.

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也罢,今夜,我是寂寞的舞者,伴着幽怨的箫音,踏乐翩跹,敲碎那久远的灵魂。Worth mentioning, tonight, I was lonely dancers, accompanied Resentment of Xiao Yin, stepping Fantasy music, crack that old soul.

有蓝色和黄色的小小蝴蝶飞舞着,好像找不到可以栖息的花儿,它们于是翩跹飞向山谷。There were butterflies, small ones, blue and yellow, which seemed to find no flowers to rest on, and they drifted down towards the valley.

宝钗刚想回转身去,忽见面前一对玉色蝴蝶,一上一下,迎风翩跹,十分有趣。Pao-ch'ai had started back, when a pair of jade-colored butterflies appeared before her. They fluttered up and down most bewitchingly in the breeze.