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他给这些恶棍以当头一棒。He gave these scoundrels a jolt.

事实上,很多选民感觉他们就像遭了当头一棒一样。Indeed, many voters feel as though they've been "kicked in the head.

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1920年以后,德国合成硝酸盐给了智利硝石开采当头一棒。German synthetic nitrates knocked out Chilean nitrate mining after 1920.

落实到个人层面,对于这位正在到处找工作的南卡罗来纳人来说,这真是当头一棒。On a personal level, it's a blow for this South Carolina man looking for work.

然而,慈禧给了光绪当头一棒,她将光绪帝软禁起来从而结束了这场改革。Cixi put an end to this by launching a coup and placing Guangxu on house arrest.

华为拿走合约对全球最大的电信设备商爱立信无疑是当头一棒。The Huawei deal is a blow to Ericsson, the world's biggest mobile telecoms equipment firm.

股刚刚有点起色,糟糕的现房销售状况又给它们当头一棒。No sooner had financial stocks gotten up off the mat than poor existing-home sales body-slammed them.

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你在宾州大学的教育给了你们一根标准木料,你可以用它来盖房子,也可以给人当头一棒。Your Penn education has given you a two-by-four. You may build a building, or hit someone over the head.

好奇怪,荷兰在首场比赛就给了前世界冠军西班牙当头一棒,可是现在,他们自己又是怎么啦?Netherland ridiculed and knocked out the present champion Spain at the beginning. So, what is going with them now?

理性的说,考虑到工党很有可能在选举中遭到当头一棒的前景,目前这种心态看上去有点滑稽。This may seem bizarre, given the rational expectation that Labour is about to be given a serious electoral kicking.

但我也明白了,当生活给你当头一棒,堕入悲伤之海,你能做的就是奋力游向水面,大口呼吸。But I also learned that when life sucks you under, you can kick against the bottom, break the surface, and breathe again.

对当局两年前应对破坏性风暴举措的一个鲜活的描述,这本书对乐观主义者简直是当头一棒。This moving account of the regime’s response to a devastating cyclone two years ago is a timely warning against optimism.

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当前在第二人生与其它虚拟世界里所发生的是一场崩溃,对于小企业来说也是当头一棒。Here's a breakdown of what's currently happening inSecond Life and other virtual worlds and what it means for entrepreneurs.

他把鱼使劲儿摔在亭子的水泥地上,鱼腾空而起,他拿着木棍上来就给这鱼当头一棒。He dumped the fish onto the pavilion's concrete floor and, as they leapt into the air, bashed them over the heads with a wooden stick.

当孟福尔到达伊夫夏姆时,他没有见到他儿子的军队,而是遭受了爱德华王子的当头一棒。When the Earl of Leicester reached Evesham, instead of meeting his son's army, he was met by Prince Edward at the head of a superior force.

奥巴马称,如果他不做出让步,共和党会提高美国整体民众的税收---这对于纳税人和经济发展都可谓是当头一棒。If he had not budged, he says, the Republicans would have let everyone's taxes rise—a blow not only to taxpayers but also to economic growth.

当你回望过去优秀的汽车时,那简直是当头一棒,现代汽车设计的状况那真是多么令人伤感,多么令人怜惜啊。When you look back at the great cars of the past, it really hits you just how sad and pathetic the state of modern automobile design really is.

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如果观众人数较少,那将会是对南非政府大力发展经济的努力的当头一棒,要知道南非已经从它第一次的经济衰退中挣扎了17年之久。A low turnout would be a blow to the government's efforts to bolster South Africa's economy, which is emerging from its first recession in 17 years.

妈妈比较有心计,她报复我是从情感上给我当头一棒,利用杀生造成的恐怖心理把我摧垮。My mother, being more imaginative, retaliated with an assault upon my sensibilities that crushed me with the moral horror involved in taking a life.

但同时,9.11事件的发生,无疑给正处于上升阶段的民用航空业当头一棒,许多人从狂热中清醒过来,开始正视航空旅行所存在的风险。But meanwhile the 9.11 is the big hit to this industry which is developing fast and many people start to realize that the risk of the air travelling.