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壮苗在活棵立苗和生长方面都好于弱苗和黄化苗。Strong seedlings were better than weak seedlings in standing.

育苗底纸对种子发芽和出苗无影响,可以促进主根的发育和培养壮苗。There was no influence with the bottom paper on germination and emergence.

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分化、扩繁、壮苗培养基为MS基本培养基附加K和IAA。Differentiation and multiplication and strengthening shoot medium is MS with K and IAA.

对熏衣草微体快速繁殖和壮苗技术进行了研究。Rapid micro-propagation and cultivating strong plantlets of Lavandula vera were studied.

培育大苗壮苗能提前进入生产期。Cultivate large seedlings and strong seedlings can early entry into the production phase.

通过早播达到高产的关键栽培技术是培育壮苗。The key cultural technique for high yield through early seeding was to develop robust seedings.

高浓度的IBA对壮苗有抑制作用,但IBA浓度为零时,苗长势弱。Extravagant concentration of IBA inhibits seedling growth but seedlings slight when IBA absence.

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甜椒穴盘苗壮苗应具备干物质含量高,根系发达,株高适宜等特点。Sweet pepper seedling should have such feature as high dry matter content, large root system and proper shoot height.

根据水稻育苗中存在的问题,筛选并复配出耐寒壮苗伴侣。According to the problems exited in rice seedling-bearing stage, cold-tolerant and healthy seedling powder was screened.

浇灌施用能够改良根部土壤,恢复土壤活力,加强促根效果和壮苗。Improving the soil at the roots used with irrigating, restoring soil vitality, strengthening radication effect and sound seedlings.

提高苗木质量,培育大苗壮苗应加强这一关键时期的田间管理。The field management should strengthen in this key stage for improving the quality of seedling and cultivating big and robust seedling.

结果表明,采用壮苗和密植是提高早期产量和经济效益的有效途径。The result shows that the adoptation of vigourous seedling and dense planting is an effective way to raise the early yield for profits.

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对库拉索芦荟试管苗增殖技术体系改良及壮苗定植体系的建立进行了研究。Technological system of test-tube plantlet multiplication and the establishment of the permanent planting system of Curacao Aloe were studied.

探讨甜瓜幼苗壮苗指数与环境温度、光辐射的关系。The aim of this study was to probe into the relationship between vigorous muskmelon seedling index and environmental temperature and radiation.

对多花银叶树组织培养研究中的增殖培养、幼芽伸长生长、壮苗培养、根诱导等进行了研究。This paper deals with proliferation culture, plumule elongation, strong plant culture and root inducing on tissue culture of Leucadendron floridum.

金盏菊种子萌发过程中凡下胚轴生长较快、伸长较长的个体均形成壮苗。In the Process of Calenaula Officinalis Linn. seed germination, all those seedlings will be-come strong ones that hypocotyls are long and grow fast.

育苗底纸对种子发芽和出苗无影响,可以促进主根的发育和培养壮苗。There was no influence with the bottom paper on germination and emergence. It could promote the development of tap root and raising strong seedlings.

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本品是广谱、高效的植物生根壮苗剂,适合在作物的多个生长时期使用。The production is a broad-spectrum and highly efficient agent for plants radication and sound seedlings, adapting to use in a number of crop growth periods.

培养中预处理温度和时间、初培养温度条件、花药密度效应、壮苗培养以及安全越夏都是提高花药培养效率的必要条件。Contrast experiments demonstrate that flower-like shape of nickel 3D nanocrystals is controlled by the cooperative effects of time, temperature and surfactant.

对生根壮苗剂浸种后的玉米、棉花、花生的出苗状况、幼苗植株性状及叶绿素含量进行了调查。The seedling status, the seedling characters and chlorophyl content of maize, cotton and groundnut after seed soaking with root and seedling promoter were investigated.