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可是你似乎很伤心。You seemed so sad.

现在,托托不伤心了。Tod is not sad now.

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他很伤心。He was heart-broken.

“喔”,他伤心的说。"Orh". He sadly said.

林莉感到非常伤心。Lin Li feels very sad.

我对他的去世感到伤心。I sorrow for his death.

她又是多么地伤心!How grieved she was, too.

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蜉蝣,你一定很伤心。Mayfly, you must be so sad.

迈达斯这时非常伤心。Midas was now very unhappy.

以为他很伤心You'd expect him to be sad.

不要伤心了,小针。Don't be sad, little needle.

妈咪、爸比会伤心。Mummy and Daddy will be sad.

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老树很孤独很伤心。The tree was lonely and sad.

可怜的盖比特!他很伤心。Poor Geppetto! He's very sad.

她的眼眶里蕴含着一股伤心的泪水。She is woeful, tears in eyes.

那种树总是传奇世界私服很伤心?。What tree is always very sad?

那几乎让福兰克伤心欲裂。It nearly broke Frank's heart.

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遗憾和伤心会毁了你。Pity and grief will destory u.

令她伤心断肠。Where he's breaking her heart.

这让你有点伤心。And this just hurts your heart.