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台架的零备件。Spare parts of stages.

维修成本和备件价格较高。Cost of maintance is high.

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好运达备件和备件。Rowenta spares and spare "parts."

联合品牌汽车备件销售!Co-branding car spare parts sales!

下一步是选择备件。The next step is to choose spares.

同时,备件也将购买。Spare parts also will be purchased.

我买不到这辆车的备件。I cannot buy spare parts for this car.

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我来指给你看放备件的地方。I’ll show you where the spares are kept.

我买不到这辆车的备件。I cannot find where to buy the car spares.

编制设备备件图册。Build up machine spare parts list and drawing.

无需重新对现场备件的库存,直到2012年。No re-stock of spare parts on-site until 2012.

唯一需要的备件是一个9V的电池。The only spare part necessary is a 9V battery.

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用于各类金属、非金属、零备件、工具等的标识铭牌制作。They are all used to mark the br in many areas.

协助负责相关零备件管理,控制维修费用。Spare parts management, repair and cost control.

我买不到这辆车的备件。I don't know where to buy the spares for the car.

买卖二手或新的移动电话和备件。Buy and sell used or new mobile phone and spare parts.

自动电话的备件在哪里?Where are the spare parts for the automatic telephones?

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管理工厂的库存备件。Manages and replenishes spare parts and stores for site.

备件应同容器分开包装。Spare parts shall be packed separately from the vessels.

负责设备备品备件的计划和管理工作。Take responsibility for spare parts plan and management.