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伊朗科学家阿米里,绑架或间谍投诚?Iranian scientist Shahram Amiri, Kidnapped or a defecting Spy?

可是自己却抛却啦,自己向它们投诚啦,被它们打败啦。But I actually give up, I asked them to surrender, be they defeated.

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扬州商会各大商行的投诚书。Yang state board of trade each big trading company surrender a book.

日自己投诚,整个雁山都沉浸在喜庆的氛围中。TouCheng, whole wild goose mountain is immersed in a festival atmosphere.

军官羞怯地要求延迟公布他关于投诚的临时声明。The officer sheepishly postponed the announcement of his defection temporarily.

纳克列也说,现在需要观察的是,卡扎菲的儿子是否投诚西方。Nakhleh said the real defections to watch for would be of any of Gadhafi's sons.

纳克列也说,现在需要观察的是,卡扎菲的儿子是否投诚西方。Nakhleh said the real defections to watch for would be of any of Gadhafi’s sons.

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这样的人物向美国投诚可是第一次,而且他的身份又如此特殊。This is the first time the United States figure to surrender, but his identity is so special.

几个士兵仍穿制服,但他们投诚,表示活动家Emad基地Maijri。A few soldiers still wear their uniforms, but they are defectors, says activist Emad al-Maijri.

螃蟹母亲徒劳无工,对于它孩子的反驳没有任何劝戒的投诚了。The mother crab tried in vain, then submitted without remonstrance to the reproof of her child.

许殿亭得知朝鲜战争爆发的消息后反悔,决定不投诚了。Xu Dianting heard the news after the outbreak of the Korean war back, decided not to surrender.

黄长烨,最引人注目的北朝鲜投诚者,是这次阴谋暗杀的目标Hwang Jang-yop, North Korea's highest-profile defector, was the target of an assassination plot.

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但是库萨投诚,外界有可能挖到了利比亚政府情报的金矿。The minister's defection, though, is a potential gold mine of intelligence about the Libyan government.

司令员告诉杜荣林有一个投诚过来的吴妙水让他保护好,防止国民党的暗杀。Commander told Du Ronglin have a defected to wu miao water let him protect, prevent the KMTs assassination.

加藤以周书真和嫣嫣为要挟,逼迫熊阔海放弃行动并公开宣布投诚。Kato by weeks book really and YanYan coerce, XiongKuo persecuted for sea abandon action and publicly announced TouCheng.

当多唐纳向叛军同盟投诚的消息传来,格兰特被震动了,尽管他并无意向同他的战术楷模一样向叛军投诚。When Dodonna defected to the Rebel Alliance, Grant was extremely surprised, though he had no intention of defecting alongside his role model.

高告诉他们,自己正要率部北上,想知道在哪里可以遇到八路军以便投诚。Kao informed these delegates that he was dispatching his army northward and wanted to know where he could meet the 8th Route Army and come over.

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帝国突击队员克里克斯·梅丁向义军同盟投诚后,正是在里肯的支持下,他才有机会加入蒙·莫思玛的咨询委员会。When Imperial commando Crix Madine defected to the Alliance, it was Rieekan's backing that helped him secure a position in Mon Mothma's Advisory Council.

公元1253年12月13日,忽必烈攻下大理城,没有屠城,当地白族名家大姓有的投诚,有的激烈反抗。On December 13,1253, Kublai Khan besieged and took over Dali Town, with no genocide. Some local dignitary Bai families surrendered and some rebelled violently.

另一方面,以铿被启源迫至走投无路,哲行得知后,为了把握这个对付启源的大好机会便向以铿投诚。To his being qi source, on the other hand, forced to desperate, zhe line after that, in order to grasp the good opportunity to deal with and the to his defection.