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现在只希望宁皇他不识货,能够瞒天过海!I hope King Ning would be cheated.

哇!果不其然,那天、一大堆识货的买主涌来并磨拳擦掌要出价呢!A big crowd of buyers gathered and were eager to bid.

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卖掉它!我正在等着识货的商人呢!Sell it! But I would wait for one to offer the price.

一个识货的鉴赏家本会发现这个古瓶是赝品。Adiscerning connoisseur would have found the vase a fake.

识货的人能通过网上商店定购一份六盒装的。Connoisseurs can order a six-pack at onlinestore.smucker.

这是即使最识货的美食家也会着迷的美味佳肴。It's so delicacies that beguile even the most discerning gourmet.

难道今天光临这里只有她一个人识货吗?谁肯提价到6英镑?Is she the only person with any taste here today?Who is going to raise it to£6?

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一个做假币的人做了一张7元的假币。他想只能给不识货的乡下人才能花出。A man who makes fake note made a note of 7 yuan . He thought that only give it to a farmer.

明珠投暗的意思,就是把珍贵的东西送给不识货的人。To cast pearls before swine is to give things of value to those who will not understand it.

梵高写道,“你只需要沿着宁静街走下去,在那里漫步只为了遇到识货的艺术爱好者。”You only have to go down the Rue de la Paix – there strolls , just for that reason, the good art lover.

梅若薰衣白了她一眼,对于不识货的她可是相当无语了!If the plum smoked dress white her an eye, as don't know merchandise of she was to very have no language!

这家高级精品店陈列有名家设计的鞋子,供识货的买家选购。Catering to the sophisticated shopper, this high-end boutique has an international collection of exquisite designer shoes.

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成功的商业人士都应该是识货的,在点酒上也不会例外。Successful commercial operation people have been ostensible to be means to brand worth – as great as the booze list is no difference.

而且,在购买产品设备方面识货又能以合适的价格买下来可以使企业连续多年具有成本上的竞争优势。And identifying the right production equipment and buying it at a good price can create competitive cost advantages that last for many years.

在通到马利容桥的拱形长巷中,有一个拾破烂的背篓保存得完好无缺,识货的人啧啧称赞。Beneath this long, arched drain which terminated at the Arche-Marion, a perfectly preserved rag-picker's basket excited the admiration of all connoisseurs.

魏参议一行人去丰泽园吃饭,魏参议也是个识货的,认出自己用的餐具是前清一品大员专用的乾隆斗彩。Wei senate a line of people to dinner at FengZeYuan, wei senate is a bargain, recognize her use of tableware is the clearance yipin official dedicated qianlong color bucket.