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爱是囚牢还是自由?Is love a jail or freedom?

我在自我的囚牢中…I am the architect of my own imprisonment.

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看来好男人都在死囚牢里关着呢!Clearly, all the best guys are on death row.

宁在自由中吃豆瓣,不在囚牢中享蜜饯。A bean in liberty is better than a comfit in prison.

我逐渐恐惧夜晚,仿佛夜晚是施刑者的囚牢。I came to fear nighttime like it was a torturer's cellar.

在花苞的囚牢里,在甜蜜的缺陷的心里,美微笑着。Beauty smiles in the confinement of the bud, in the heart of a.

我会选择内在天堂,而身在囚牢。I'd go for the inner paradise whilst my body was in a prison cell.

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天窗很小,采光不好,让我们觉得像生活在囚牢里。Skylight small, poor lighting , let us feel like living in jail Lane.

囚牢A区的犯人散布在一楼和过道中。The inmates of A-Wing are scattered around the floor and on the tiers.

我们皆为囚徒,不同的是有些囚牢可以供你仰望窗外,而有些囚牢却四壁无物。We are all prisoners but some of us are in cells with windows and some without.

医生把他的头部锁在铁笼里,把他关进地下室的囚牢中。The doctor locked his head in a metal cage and sealed him away in a dark basement cell.

但是,他很感谢你在他的囚牢岁月里表现的好客。However, he wished to thank you for the hospitality you provided during his imprisonment.

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如今她困于内了,不能改变它,她的精神于囚牢中,仅仅一个很好的囚牢中。Now she in it, can't change it, she keeps her mind on her wages. The only rattling cages!

只有将自己从错误思想营造的囚牢里释放出来,你才会自由。You will never be free until you free yourself from the prison of your own false thoughts.

这状似囚牢的世界,任何人只要不再执迷于它,就可以脱身而出。The world that seems to hold you prisoner can be escaped by anyone who does not hold it dear.

痛苦之女的共享囚牢不能恰当应用,并且不能被驱散·痛苦之女的共享囚牢法术有错并不可被驱散。Shared Bonds cast by Sister of Pain is applied inconsistently and is not able to be dispelled.

如果有更多人加入翻译行列,并帮助打开语言的囚牢,那该有多好呀。If only more people would join the ranks of translators and help unlock the prison of language.

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五个姐妹都同样向往着自由,她们找到了一种突破这囚牢的方式。The five sisters who share a common passion for freedom, find ways of getting around the constraints imposed on them.

你会被抓住,他们会畅通无阻地追踪王子,猎捕他,捉住他,把他拖回囚牢。You would have been caught, and they would have been free to follow the prince, to hunt him down and drag him back to his cell.

我对你们那位巫妖一无所知,但当我的占卜师告诉我爆炸发生时,我开始担心死结囚牢的完整性。I knew nothing of this lich of yours, but when my diviners told me of the explosion, I feared for the integrity of the Snarl's prison.