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克莱斯勒一直寻求与菲亚特签署援助协议,并力图让债务协议拍板定案.Chrysler has been seeking a rescue deal from the Italian automaker while also trying to finalize its debt agreement.

在创作思想上,当时的小说创作更是遵循史家惯例,广泛搜求资料并力证其可靠性。In addition I the novelists followed the historians' practice of widely collecting materials and justifying their reliability.

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第四,五部分描述实验的设计,过程与步骤,以及数据统计与分析,并力教师提供了任务分级的教案设计示范。In the fourth and fifth parts, the designing of the experiment, data collection and analysis, as well as grading the tasks were shown.

日。英国领事馆科技领事那琼博士感谢媒体同仁的出席并力邀他们投稿参赛。Dr Julia Knights, Science and Innovation Consul at the British Consulate urged journalists to enter the competition and thanked them for attending.

只要地区各国同心并力,就一定能够继续发挥亚洲作为世界经济重要引擎的作用。As long as the Asian countries make concerted efforts, we can ensure that Asia will continue to serve as an important engine driving the global economy.

他们引述古兰经中的章节并力陈即便是最美国化的穆斯林都在暗暗的希望用伊斯兰的教法取代美国宪法。They quote passages from the Koran and argue that even the most Americanized Muslim secretly wants to replace the Constitution with Islamic Shariah law.

强调了液压系统产生的举并力与车箱实际消耗的举升力的计算,并建立两种举升力的曲线图。This paper emphasized calculation of lifting force produced by hydraulic system and consumed actually by body and established two kinds of curve diagram of lifting force.

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刘建国敦促政府公开人们迄今未曾料到的离婚造成的环境成本增加,并力劝夫妻们考虑好离婚可能造成的影响再做决定。Liu urges governments to publicise the hitherto unanticipated environmental costs of divorce, and couples to consider the potential impacts of a divorce before going ahead.

这下可急坏了国民党,没过几小时中央委员会就取消了被指控的候选人不能参加竞选的排黑条款,并力挺马九英继续留任主席。Within hours, the KMT's central committee dropped the bar it had maintained on nominating indicted criminals as candidates, and decided to urge Mr Ma to stay on as chairman.

在分析风电电价的构成,揭示风电价格的影响因素的基础上,为我国风电电价政策提出建议,并力图为我国风电电价制订提供有益的思路。After analyzing its constitution and opening out the influence factors, advices for wind-electricity price policies in China and beneficial ideas of price making are proposed.

他小心地避开美国政府是否会为救助银行业,重振信贷并力抗经济衰退,或将向国会要求更多资金的话题,但也不排除这一可能.He steered clear of saying whether the administration might have to ask Congress for more money to fix the banks, restore credit and counter recession, but did not rule it out.

此前,这件实物已经过信阳收藏家初步鉴定,并力呈去故宫博物院找单国强主任认可。Previously, this calligraphy has been appraised elementarily by the Xinyang private collector Mr. Yao Huangang and he tries to take it to the director Shan Guoqiang in the Palace Museum.

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这一情况也许会在明天动态研究公司举行的新闻发布会上得到改善,广泛猜测届时公司会推出其新的黑莓6操作系统并力推其新设备,例如平板电脑。That should change tomorrow as RIM is holding a press event where it is widely expected the company will debut its new BlackBerry 6 operating system and potentially new devices, such as a tablet.

事实上,他已完全别别了正义事业党,并声称该党已经成为克里姆林宫控制下的傀儡政党,并力劝他之前的追随者一起辞职以便开始一场新的政治运动。Indeed, he resigned from the Right Cause entirely, saying it had become a Kremlin-controlled puppet party and urging his former followers to resign en masse in order to begin a new political movement.