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他是个不速之客。He is a gate-crasher.

然后有一位潜行的不速之客来访了。Then a prowling visitor arrives.

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昨天下午我遇到了一个不速之客。Ihad a visitor yesterday afternoon.

她在我家感觉像个不速之客。She felt like an intruder in our house.

这些被称为婚礼不速之客。These are known as the wedding crashers.

他是不速之客,反而盘问个不停。It was he, the intruder, who interrogated.

流感是冬天的不速之客之一。The flu is one of winter's unwelcomed guess.

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她通过不速之客突出的外衣知道了他的身份。for she knew the stranger by his horny coat.

昨晚我被一位不速之客所打扰。I was disobliged by an uninvited guest last night.

这些图像是从一个小游戏“不速之客”。Those images are from a little game called "Crasher".

不速之客往往是在告辞时最受欢迎。Unbidden guests are often welcomest when they are gone.

不速之客原来是一只小松鼠。The intruder,it turned out,was no other than a squirrel.

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我喜欢不速之客,不过当然得是可爱的才行。I love intruders,but they must be lovable ones,of course.

我漫步走了进去,没有意识到自己是个不受欢迎的不速之客。I wander in not knowing if I would be an unwelcome intruder.

不速之客通常有他们自己的议程。Guests who arrive unexpectedly usually have their own agenda.

你看,每党有党必将受到不速之客。You see, for every party, there are bound to be party crashers.

你以为,哦,它只会咬陌生人或不速之客。You think, oh, it’ll only go after the stranger or the intruder.

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不速之客在人群中察觉到一丝仇恨的暗流。The invader sensed an undercurrent of resentment among the crowd.

洪丁告诉这位不速之客,他们明早将拼死决斗。Hunding tells his guest they will fight to the death in the morning.

多余的椅子上要堆放一些物品,这样不速之客就只能站着了。Stack stuff on any extal chairs so unvisited visitors have to stand.