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男孩嘛,需要晒晒太阳,活动筋骨。A boy needs sunshine, and exercise.

关于多花筋骨草的一些研究。Some studies for Ajuga multiflora Bge.

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我的筋骨和关节都痛。I am troubled with painful muscles and joints.

他的筋骨和关节都痛。He is troubled with painful muscles and joints.

有补气血、强筋骨、利小便的功效。Have strong bones and muscles, blood, for the effect of urine.

祛风湿、补肝肾、强筋骨。Dispels rheumatism, to make up hepatorenal, the strong physique.

想不想舒展一下筋骨,春天桃花朵朵开。Want to stretch a little exercise, peach blossoming spring open.

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金融系统已经劳其筋骨,但却强忍着不崩溃。The financial system has been strained, but it has not broken down.

天没降大任于我、照样苦我心志、劳我筋骨。Day didn't drop responsibility on me, so I mind, the bitter bones, I.

真是“劳其筋骨”了,他原本还带着很多的东西。Is really" the labor of their bones", he was carrying a lot of things.

天没降大任于我,照样苦我心智,劳我筋骨。Day didn't drop in my case, so bitter I mind, labor I bones and muscles.

水也能减缓冲击力,意即不会对筋骨造成强大撞击或剧烈震动。It also reduces impact, meaning no jarring or pounding on joints and bones.

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喜欢刺枪使棒,身强力壮,不取妻室,终日打熬筋骨。Like charges to stick, chicken, and did not take wives, all hit others physique.

他能够深深地进入大地的裸露的筋骨,那是美好、强健、纯朴的。He had got down to the bare bones of it, and they were fine and strong and simple.

的干燥根皮,其传统功能为祛风湿,强筋骨。Its traditional function include eliminating wind and strengthening bones and muscles.

如果你的工作要求你坐很长时间,定期站起来舒展一下筋骨。Get up and stretch periodically if your job requires that you sit for extended periods.

事实上,它消除疲劳,舒缓温暖筋骨,引人进入幻想的状态。In fact, it eliminates fatigue, loosens and warms the limbs, and leads to a fanciful mood.

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目的建立筋骨草胶囊中木犀草素含量测定方法。Objective Luteolin contents determine method in building the Herba Ajugae gelatin capsules.

相反,迪达却直到第74分钟才活动了一下筋骨,他轻松的挡住了法尔梵的射门。Dida was not called into action until the 74th minute when he dealt easy with a Farfàn shot.

他曾经健壮和敬畏的身躯现在只剩下如此可怜兮兮的结块皮毛和一身消瘦筋骨。His once fearsome body is so emaciated it is little more than a pitiful pile of fur and bones.