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但这和去博物馆参观相差太多了。But it's definitely a lot,

我们的生日只相差一天。Our birthdays are only one day apart.

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两个人的水平相差很远。The level of the two is quite different.

现实与他们吹嘘的相差何止十万八千里。The reality is far from what they boast.

他的年龄与你相差两岁。His age differs by two years from your own.

相差半个周期则引起抵消。A half-cycle difference causes cancellation.

这人大约六十岁,估计与实际年龄相差不过一岁左右。The man is 60years old, give or take a year.

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我们今天的世界,与以利亚当时的情况相差不远。Our world is much the same as in Elijah's day.

这通常相差甚远,没有唯一的答案。This varies so much that there's no one answer.

目前这协作的水平,相差甚远。This level of cooperation was not present at all.

你的行为与你的处事原则相差甚远。Your actions contrast unfavourably with your principles.

许多时候,筛选人与一线人员相差很大。Many times, screeners are far removed from the front lines.

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本课的教授内容和我所预期的相差不远。The course content is not much different from what I expected.

我们是亲表兄弟,出生时间相差六个月,出生地仅相距几个街区。We were first cousins, born six months and a few blocks apart.

尼安德特人的脑容量和智人相差不多。The cranial capacity of Neandertals was about as large as ours.

一些学习圈是做到了,但是有太多的学习圈与理想状态相差甚远。Some of them do, but too many study circles are less than ideal.

而同一个信号在不同的时期强度相差悬殊。The signal amplitude is quite different in the different period.

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农村妇女和成功的女企业家相差甚远。Women in these places are far from high-achieving entrepreneurs.

和他刚到公司来当一名管理信件的职员的时候相比,那简直是相差太远了。It’s a far cry from when he first joined the firm as a mail clerk.

用倒置相差显微镜观察细胞形态变化。Morphologic changes were observed using phase-contrast microscopy.