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肩章上这些是金色的条纹?And the epaulets are gold bullion ?

在每个肩部的功能肩章。Functional epaulet at each shoulder.

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军官们的肩章被扯掉。They tore the epaulets from officers.

肩章鲨鱼不属于稀有物种。Epaulette sharks are not among the rare species.

服务奖章日元抛售一包,学徒,以及11件套肩章。Service Medal yen sold off a bag, apprenticeship, and 11-piece set epaulet.

戴肩章的侦查员按例在最核心的线路上叫嚷。The scout with shoulder-straps shouted on the outermost route as a routine.

戴肩章的侦察员炤例在最外围的路线上叫喊。The scout with shoulder-straps hurrahed on the outermost route for a routine.

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前面两个口袋并有口袋盖,肩膀上带肩章。Two pockets on front with flaps over the pockets and epaulettes on shoulders.

戴肩章的侦察员炤例在最外围的路线上叫喊。The scout with shoulder-straps hurrahed on the outermost route for a customary.

戴肩章的侦察员照例在最外围的路线上叫喊.The scout with shoulder- straps shouted on the outermost route as a routine.

她的肩章压在背带下我没看清,我到有意看了她两眼,好年青。Her shoulder strap pressure in I didn't see, I intend to see her eyes, so the young.

好象死者带着宽大的肩章出现在他眼前,逼得他几乎对他行了个军礼。Death appeared to him with large epaulets, and he almost made the military salute to him.

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他俩默默的取下对方的少尉肩章,换上中尉的标识。They silently removed the ensign pips from each other's epaulets, and fastened the jg bars there.

衣服下摆会变松,肩章会从肩部往衣领走位。Hemlines of coats would be loosened while rank insignias would be moved from shoulders to collars.

设有一个按钮,通过按钮前,双瓣胸前的口袋和短翻领,肩章的细节。Featuring a button through front, twin button flap chest pockets and short lapels, with epaulette detail.

他们头戴红羽毛头盔和黄金肩章仪仗队他们奔腾的骏马包围了游行。Honor guards in their plumed helmets and gold epaulets on their galloping horses surrounded the procession.

作为替换方案,加莫人身穿皮革和布制的戏服,饰以金属肩章,掩饰肩部的缝合线。Instead, the Gamorreans wore a leather and cloth uniform with metal epaulets that helped hide the shoulder seams.

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“您是位体面的绅士,”他看着我肩章上的金线说,“一位上校,您一定很受女士们欢迎。”“You're a handsome gentleman,” he looked at the gold on my epaulettes, “Captain. I suspect you are a ladies' man.”

“您是位体面的绅士,”他看着我肩章上的金线说,“一位上校,您一定很受女士们欢迎。”“You’re a handsome gentleman,” he looked at the gold on my epaulettes, “Captain. I suspect you are a ladies’ man.”

诺拉衬衫裙是从凉爽的军事启发肩章和卷筒标签袖轻质棉府绸制作。The Norah shirt dress is crafted from lightweight cotton poplin with cool military-inspired epaulets and roll-tab sleeves.