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再次通读你的论文,检查语法错误。Re-read your paper for grammatical errors.

建议大家通读一下这篇文章。A through reading of this article is commended.

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通读这784页的传记,答案是肯定的。The 784-page answer to both these questions is yes.

通读你的采访笔记,标出重要内容。Read through your notes and highlight important quotes.

在发送回信之前,站在客户的角度,把回信再通读一遍。Before you send the reply, read it once as the customer would do.

当你有一千个贴子需要通读时你从哪里开始?Where do you start when you have a thousand posts to read through?

当我通读完会议调查时,发现我们似乎取得了巨大的成功。As I read through the conference surveys, it seems we were a big hit.

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然后第二遍通读剧本,这回的重点要集中在剧本元素上。Then do a second read-through, focusing on the screenplay's elements.

再次通读全文,找出语法、拼写、排版印刷的错误。Re-read your paperin order to find our grammar, spelling mistakes or typos.

在通读原著时,应注意克服学术上的片面性。It should overcome academic one-sidedness while reading their original work.

再次通读全文,找出语法、拼写、排版印刷的错误。Re-read your paper in order to find our grammar, spelling mistakes or typos.

我已经通读这篇文章近100次了,但是我自己仍没什么信心。I have now read through this article about 100 times and I am still unsure myself.

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通读35-36页课程计划,找到如何运用此类教导方式的例子。Read through the lesson plans on pages 35 and 36 for samples of how this method works.

请先将商品目录通读一遍,再决定买哪个型号。Please read the catalogue from cover to cover before you decide which model to purchase.

若没读过第一部分,请现在通读一下,之后,第二部分才能理解得更透彻。If you haven't read Part 1, please do so now. Part 2 will make much more sense if you do.

请先将商品目录通读一遍,再决定买哪个型号。eg. Please read the catalogue from cover to cover before you decide which model to purchase.

澳大利亚知名小说家凯特•葛伦薇尔认为无需通读全书。Kate Grenville, a renowned novelist in Australia, says it is not a necessity to finish a book.

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你需要的是,去白帽SEO论坛,并且通读一遍置顶帖。You should start by going to the White Hat SEO forum and read through the sticky threads there.

如果你能通读这里所有的口琴课程,你就会发现其中包含了很多很多的音乐乐理知识。最后祝你好运!If you read all of the lessons, you will find that there is a lot of useful music theory in them.

通读全篇,通过配对中心句,获取文章大意。Ss are required to read through the text and match the main idea statements to related paragraphs.