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铁腕人物手下一定有唯命是从的人。The strong men must have their stooges.

我手下怎么就没有这种猛将呢?。Why I haven't got such a brave warrior?

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有手下入来向他耳语汇报情况。Have to whisper into his hand to report.

他还建议手下'要用汽油弹'。He suggests they use some type of firebomb.

在这种蛮不讲理的人手下工作真令人恼火。It rubs to work under such an obstinate man.

典韦是曹操手下的一员悍将。Wei Hui award for being a clean neighborhood.

他希望手下一直对他讲真话。He expects his people to speak the truth to him.

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我有啲事走先,有啲乜嘢需要同我手下讲得啦。Excuse me now. Talk to my men if you want anything.

这时,项羽手下的兵士已经很少,粮食又没有了。He had lost most of his soldiers and run out of food.

盖恩斯看到这个情景,他命令手下封闭大门。Gaines sees this and orders his men to seal the gates.

他打败了哈德斯手下的怪物,将挪威海怪变成了石头。He defeats Hades' creatures and turns Kraken to stone.

这时,手下告诉马三,陈大有请。At this time, the man told Ma three, Chen Dayou please.

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他在一名银匠师傅手下当了10年学徒。He apprenticed for ten years under a master silversmith.

约瑟命令手下装满他们的粮袋。Joseph ordered his people to fill their bags with grain.

阿尔泰眉头一皱,令手下叫出儿子胤杰。Altai eyebrows a wrinkly, to name a son under became jie.

军官命令手下撤到城堡里去。The officer commanded his men to retreat into the castle.

在大马色亚哩达王手下的提督,把守大马色城要捉拿我。guarded the city of the Damascenes desiring to arrest me.

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对手下败将他通常很宽宏大量。He often mete out generous treatment to those he defeated.

他如往常一样声嘶力竭地训斥着手下的员工。He routinely reprimanded employees at the top of his lungs.

湖蓝收到果绿的信号后,带领手下席卷而来。Hulan fruit received the green signal, swept from his lead.