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尽可能推延社会保险。Put off Social Security as long as possible.

梦想可能被推延,但决不能放弃。Dreams can be postponed, but NEVER give them up.

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推延是掩埋您庶獗能最佳的体例。Procrastination is the best way to bury your potential.

凡事都追求完美,不过是无限期推延梦想的借口罢了。Wanting things to be perfect is just another excuse for putting off your dreams.

杰里有可能在那里。这样强烈的希望一定会起到推延他出现的作用。他不在那里。Jerry could be there. So strong a hope must play delaying games. He was not there.

但是奶奶推延了约会,亚多模却在当天向丹丝兰提出分手。But grandma postponed dating, and in the day of multimode but DanSi Syria to break up.

随时间推延,除一例外,没有发现与健康相关的生活质量变化。No differences in health-related quality of life over time were found, with one exception.

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你会注视那些说相反的话,并推延他们所创造的人生戏剧的责任的人吗?Will you look at those who said otherwise and hold them responsible for the drama they created?

为应对危机,目前的政府提出把退休年龄推延至63岁。In reaction to the crisis, the current government has proposed raising the retirement age to 63.

伯爵夫人睡着了,伯爵把行期推延至早晨,也去睡了。The countess had fallen asleep, and the count put off their departure till morning and went to bed.

然而,抱着这样的态度,我们要开始这项工作就更难了,并会一直推延下去。However, with this attitude, it is a lot easier to never get started at all, and procrastinate forever.

往常的白领女性由于任务忙,下班普遍晚,吃完晚餐的时间也相应推延了。As usual, the task is busy white-collar women, generally work late, eating dinner time accordingly postponed.

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五角大楼表示,由于后勤方面的原因而推延了报告的发表时间,因为有关报告包括的资料多达数册。The Pentagon said the delay is a matter of logistics because the report includes several volumes of material.

你做了什么样的一两件事使你更快开始并且很难推延工作?What one or two things did you do differently that made it easier to get started and harder to put off working?

假如实行12年制义务教育,能够使局部人口就业时间推延3年或更长时间。If the introduction of 12-year compulsory education, part of the population can delay the job 3 years or longer.

拉詹表示,那些寄望他国来带动需求的国家,可能因此推延了这些艰难的改革.By expecting the rest of the world to drive demand, countries may be putting off these tough changes, Rajan said.

但他们当中的大多数正目睹共和党领导层故意推延甚至阻止他们的任命。But most of them are seeing their nominations intentionally delayed by Republican leaders, or even blocked altogether.

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优柔寡断会使你推迟购买汽车,延缓选择大学,延迟结婚,推延买新衣服,或者拖延去换工作。Indecision causes you to postpone buying a car, choosing a college, getting married, buying new clothes, changing a job.

但他们屡次推延摧毁病毒的执行,理由是科学家们会研究出更安全的天花疫苗和治疗药物。But they have repeatedly delayed a demand for destruction so that scientists could develop safer smallpox vaccines and drugs.

有人以为实现了某个未来的目标就能快乐,但是不要让让未来的模糊不清推延你的快乐。Don’t put off your happiness into some nebulous time in the future based on some goal that you think will bring you happiness.