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她喜欢出风头。She likes to show off.

她喜欢出风头。She is fond of limelight.

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好了,伯特,别出风头。Now, Bert, quit hogging the limelight.

有人就喜欢在公共场合出风头。Somebody likeks to show off in public.

这个王国奉行一种好出风头的政策。The Kingdom pursued a very forward policy.

别好出风头,但是要让大家知道你的存在。Don't be pushy, but let everybody know you're around.

第一天就出风头不太好,是吧?Probably not the smoothest move on the first day , right?

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他好出风头之毛病让他毫无隐私可言。His constant taking center stage could deprive him of his privacy.

2011年沃克杯队员刘易斯,显然成为专业队员中最出风头的选手。Lewis, a member of the 2011 Walker Cup squad, certainly upstaged the professionals.

现在我们有权说,四腿座椅的时代已经过去啦,让十条腿的螃蟹椅出出风头吧!So, we could say, gone is the time of four-legged chairs, let ten-legged chair – Crab Chair- take the ground!

在插入存储公司的标志,便于非出风头视图和存储浏览没有创造刺激顾客。Insertion of company logo in store for easy non-pushy view and store browsing not creating irritation to customers.

是这种他以很多堕落的,出风头的人所创造的的幻想,而她正好融入。It was this kind of fantasy that he created with a lot of degenerate, very "out-there" people, and she just fit in.

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即使几内亚湾没有像东非索马利亚外海那样出风头,但仍然是全世界几个最无法无天的贼窟乱源。The Gulf of Guinea gets less attention than the waters off Somalia but is one of the world's most lawless stretches.

在美国,以好出风头闻名的斯塔弗利医生,没有任何其他证据来支持她反对推广使用蒙太尼的意见。The American, Dr. Stavely, a notorious publicity seeker, had no other evidence to support her opposition to Montayne.

他饥饿,虚弱而且情绪很激动,但这个喜欢出风头的魔术师仍然有力量坚强地面对媒体的摄像机和自己的崇拜者们。Starving, weak and emotional, but the publicity-loving illusionist still strong enough to face the cameras and his fans.

他们往往低估本人的技能,在说起成就时总不愿出风头,而归功于集体的努力。They tend to underestimate their own skills and are more self- effacing when describing their contributions to group efforts.

出风头的流行歌手捧回最佳短形式的视频雕像“坏演义”打奖领跑者阿姆。The flamboyant pop singer took home the best short-form video statuette for "Bad Romance, " beating awards front-runner Eminem.

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教师节后话,七嘴八舌中,最出风头的是该不该取消教师节,令我深感意外。Teacher Festival, then in animated conversation, the most flamboyant of the Teacher's Day should not be abolished, so I am accident.

我马上就猜到我的上司怎样看待这件事了。他气量有限,肯定不能容忍别人抢出风头。I knew immediately how this would go down with my Chief, whose limited capacity for forgiveness surely did not include being upstaged.

当布什总统四年后再次提名他时,盖茨用不喜出风头的幽默和谦逊平息了对他的批评,并且轻易地获得任命。When Bush nominated him again four years later, Gates defused his critics with self-effacing humor and humility and was confirmed easily.