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私有制应予以废除。Private ownership shall be abolished.

民生银行是中国第一家私有制银行,先为全国第七大银行。It is now the country’s seventh-largest bank.

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回到要讲的“半公有半私有制”方面来。Return to say "half public half to private ownership".

是一家多种经营的私有制企业。Is operating more than one kinds of private ownership of firms.

在中国,只有年轻农民未曾经历过私有制农业。In China, only the young had not experienced private agriculture.

这场革命还废除了私有制。The revolution would abolish as well the institutions of private ownership.

卢梭也看到了私有制使人产生异化。Jean-Jacques Rousseau also noticed that private property makes man alienate.

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Ohlsson先生争辩说作为一家私有制公司会使宜家更有竞争力。Mr Ohlsson argues that IKEA is more competitive as a privately owned company.

然而,对畜群的私有制,一定是很早就已经发展起来了。Private property in herds must have already started at an early period, however.

美国的经济体制主要是一种私有制。The economic system of the United States is principally one of private ownership.

腐败作为一种历史现象和世界性问题,本质上是私有制和剥削阶级的产物。Corruption as a historical phenomenon is essentially a manifestation of private ownership and exploitation.

人类进入私有制后,在传统的父权文化的统治下,女性的形象受到丑化和弱化。After entering the private system, female images under the rule of traditional paternity culture get ebbed and smeared.

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在历史层面,他们没有看到土地私有制度是可以证伪的,没有看到土地集体所有也可以发展得很好。Historically, they fail to see that private land ownership is refutable and that collective land ownership can work well.

马克思认为只有彻底扬弃私有制,才能消灭人的异化现象,才能使人成为真正的人。Marx believed only through annihilating private property completely can man overcome alienation, can man become real man.

资本主义私有制和市场经济共同决定了资本主义经济的两重性,即私人性和社会性。Capitalistic private ownership and market economy define the dualism of capitalist economy, that is, private and sociality.

因此,世袭占有只不过是对土地占有权和使用权的长期垄断,这种垄断并未导致真正私有制的产生。Therefore hereditary possession was only a long period of monopoly of the pastures which did not lead to private ownership.

资本主义私有制造成了人对物的异化,使金钱成为社会的统治力量。Capitalist private ownership engenders human dissimilation to object, which makes money become the regnant power of society.

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那么,这种“半公有半私有制”的公私并存二合一混合制的作用如何呢?So, this kind "half public half private ownership" public-private coexist two-appulse-one compound system of the role of how?

人类社会出现了私有制,每个家庭有各自财产,乃至发展到物欲横流时,人心之变。Human society appeared the private ownership, each family has respective property, and even to wuyuguangliu the change, heart.

的确,私有化拥护者对私有制优越性的信念很大程度上是无事实根据的。Indeed, privatization advocates' faith in the superiority of private ownership is probably ill-founded for a number of reasons.