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哦,亲爱的,那是舷窗!Oh dear, that's the porthole.

他再看了看打开的舷窗。He looked again at the open port.

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她强从舷窗挤过去。She jammed herself through the porthole.

舰艇舷窗为什么都是圆的?Why must portholes of naval ships be round?

我从飞机的舷窗向外张望,看到一片云海。I peep out the porthole and see a sea of clouds.

舷窗外是一片灰黄无趣的景象。And out the window just this yellow-gray nothingness.

天窗和舷窗都要盖好,并旋紧铁盖。Sky light and porthole and metal covers to be closed.

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而朱莉酒吧有着曲线的墙面和舷窗般的窗户。And Bar Zilli, with its curved walls and porthole windows.

更换机匠舱里损坏的舷窗及旋紧螺丝。To renew a broken clamp screw for air port in fitter's quarter.

驾驶台舷窗挂钩不能用,需换新。The hooks for wheelhouse windows can not be used, to be renewed.

然后倒回到舷窗里和返回到你的出发点。Then walk back into the porthole and back out to your starting point.

艺术品摆设区巨大的舷窗设置可让游客观看机房的操作实景。The large galley has portholes giving a view of the impeccable engine room.

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“这有点像通过潜水艇的舷窗往里看,”施尼策尔说。"It's a bit like looking through a porthole in a submarine, " said Schnitzer.

他站了起来,把头伸出了舷窗口,俯看着奶汁样的翻滚的波浪。He arose and thrust his head out the port-hole, looking down into the milky wash.

在舷窗之外的运动引起他的注意,而且他结束闲逛带神情。Movement outside the porthole caught his eye, and he strolled over to take a look.

舷窗外,迦太基号拨开水浪,欧洲逐渐消失在地平线。Out the portholes, Europe slipped over the horizon and the Carthage hit open water.

乡绅正在船尾的舷窗那里等候我,先前的沮丧之色一扫而光。The squire was waiting for me at the stern window, all his faintness gone from him.

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马里泊萨号负载沉重,他只需两手攀着舷窗双脚便可以点到水。The Mariposa was deeply loaded, and, hanging by his hands, his feet would be in the water.

舷窗内盖一种坚固的百叶窗或厚金属板,系在船的舷窗上或船窗玻璃上,用在暴风雨的天气中。A strong shutter or plate fastened over a ship's porthole or cabin window in stormy weather.

望着舷窗外德黑兰的灯光使我想起了在夜间飞往墨西哥城。Looking out the window at the lights of Tehran reminded me of flying into Mexico City at night.