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她现在是个走红的演员。She is now a popular actress.

台湾版苏珊·博伊尔“小胖”走红网络。Taiwan's male 'Susan Boyle' a web sensation.

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第二面有四首持续走红的单曲。Side two contains four once and future hit singles.

第三,巴克利是一个一炮走红后劲不足的创作型歌手。Thirdly, Buckley was a hit-and-miss singer-songwriter.

这位最近走红的女演员在这部新影片中主演重要角色。The latest popular actress is featured in this new film.

在2011年的春节晚会上他开端逐步走红。Now it has become popular during 2011 Spring Festival Gala.

我猜测这些视频的作者认为他们已经足够走红了。I guess the video owners think they've already gone viral enough.

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这支由五个男孩组成的乐队,在流行乐坛上很快走红。This 5-boy-group soon gained great success in the pop music world.

在彭于晏演艺生涯的早期,他以令人倾心的大众情人形象一炮走红。Early in his career Peng made his name for being an idolized heartthrob.

一些来宾一夜走红,并且有了自己的粉丝俱乐部。Some of the guests have become overnight stars and have online fan clubs.

提拉米苏,为意大利的一种甜点,这一种甜点自1980年代中期走红。Tiramisu, a dessert in Italy, such a popular dessert since the mid-1980s.

许多走红的青年小说家都被认为是循着老套的模子走出来的。Hot young novelists, many believe, are meant to follow a predictable script.

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作为电影界的一名性格演员,亨明斯最近开始走红。Hemmings is enjoying a newfound popularity as a character actor in the movies.

阿拉贝拉背诵唐诗的视频在中国社交媒体上走红。The video of Arabella's recitation has gone viral on the Chinese social media.

肖鹰着重分析了一度走红的二元预设的得失。Xiao Ying focused on analysis of once-popular binary default losses and gains.

于是,在这台晚会的6亿多观众面前,小沈阳一炮走红。Little Shenyang was an instant hit with the show's 600 million–strong audience.

这名毕业生独一无二的、强有力的诗歌演讲迅速走红起来。This grad's unique and powerful spoken-word-poem-as-speech has gone hyper viral.

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朋友们在微博上分享了王月的作品,她一夜走红。Wang's friends shared her works on their micro blogs and she became a sensation.

张爱玲的走红是商业资本与文化资本相结合的最佳范例。Her case is the best example that commercial capital combine with culture capital.

饰演三个小帅哥的都是正走红的美少年男星,傻得心爱。The handsome boy plays three is are popular beauty young actor, silly get beloved.