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在所有的逾越节家宴都完成之后呢?And when the Seders are all done?

我们通常以丰盛的合家宴和鞭炮来庆祝新年。We usually have the celebration with feasts and firecrackers.

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感恩节家宴上的主菜是火鸡和南瓜馅饼。The main dishes for Thanksgiving Day are turkey and pumpkin pie.

犹太人过以逾越节家宴来庆祝逾越节。Jews traditionally observe Passover with a feast known as a Seder.

Spago从1984年开始在南加利福尼亚举行家宴。or at Spago, which has held a Seder in Southern California since 1984.

每个家庭的团圆饭都是一年中精心准备的最华丽和隆重的家宴。Every family will make the dinner the most sumptuous and ceremonious one in the year.

是的,你成了上层名流妻子,我只能到家宴上去当服务员。丹,等一下。Yes. You're the wife of the landed gentry, And I'm a cater waiter at a seder. Dan, wait.

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朋友们,家宴马上就要开始了。丹,我想告诉你我真的很抱歉。My friends, it's time for the seder to begin. Dan, uh, I need you to know that I'm really sorry.

我们一起享受度假,共进家宴,同做家务,一起打棒球,看租来的录象带。We enjoyed vacations together, ate family meals, worked on homework, played baseball, rented videos.

在2006年罗宾·巴尼斯搬家到新奥尔良后,她跟朋友们开始在Domenica吃逾越节家宴。After Robin Barnes moved to New Orleans in 2006, she and her friends started having Seder at Domenica.

北安普顿亲王,同时是贵族社团的主席,邀请他参加他在皮卡迪利的家宴。Lord Northampton, president of the Royal Society, invited him to a reception at his house in Piccadilly.

无可奈何之际,他们去求教在科瑞家宴会上认识的牧师西威尔先生。In despair they seek the advice of Mr. Sewell, a clergyman whom they had met at the Corey's dinner party.

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在过去几年里,提供逾越节家宴的饭店全国已经增加到50家。Over the past few years, the number of restaurants serving Passover meals has risen to more than 50 nationwide.

目的了解江苏省农村自办家宴的规模、对食品卫生的认知和需求。Objective To master scales, food hygiene knowledge and requirement of village familys feast in Jiangsu province.

欢迎家宴没有像杰克预期的那样在丽晶酒店举行,而是在一家小小的湘菜馆。The dinner of welcome is not held at Lijing restaurant as Jack thought it would but at a small Hunan restaurant.

为了在新春佳节吃得营养,吃得卫生,吃得文明,吃得开心,家宴须要注重礼仪。In the Spring Festival to eat nutrition, eat health, eat civilized, happy to eat, must pay attention to etiquette.

圣诞节家宴和感恩节的宴席差不多,但最传统的特色就是要有葡萄干布丁甜食。The Christmas dinner, which is similar to the Thanksgiving feast, is traditionally distinguished by a plum-pudding dessert.

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当晚,胡锦涛和夫人出席梅德韦杰夫和夫人举行的家宴。On the evening of the same day, President Hu and his wife attended the family dinner held by President Medvedev and his wife.

在家宴中,火鸡是传统肉食,还有像南瓜饼和干果布丁一类秋季食品,着重体现丰收的主题。Turkey is the traditional meat of the feast, and such autumnal dishes as pumpkin pie and plum pudding stress the harvest theme.

上海也有的人家清明节爱吃桃花粥,在扫墓和家宴上爱用刀鱼。In Shanghai, some people like eating peach-blossom porridge on Qingming Festival and use anchovy for sweep tombs and for dinners.