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你一向随传随到。You always come.

他一向忠诚老实。He is always honest.

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他们一向都是那样。But so they always are.

我一向很守信用的。I always keep my words.

我过去一向隹在伦敦。I am used to hard word.

我一向赞同这一做法。I was always in favour.

他们一向如此。They are always like that.

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前一向你到哪里去了?Where have you been lately?

我在更衣室一向很平静。I'm a good locker-room dude.

我们一向说话算数。We always keep to our words.

你一向都这么聪明伶俐。You being so clever and all.

它一向是瑞典式自助餐的必备材料。Goes always with smorgasbords.

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他一向身体很健康。He has always had good health.

你一向如此地疯狂。You´re always crazy like that.

我跳舞一向是笨手笨脚的。I was always an awkward dancer.

他们以往一向是被人瞧不起的。They used to be looked down on.

但你虽一向温和却很勇敢。But thou wast ever bravely meek.

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圣诞老人一向待我们不薄。Santa Claus is always good to us.

我一向对经典音乐很有研究。I am well versed in classic music.

他们夫妇一向和和睦睦,相亲相爱。They were a quiet and fond couple.