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她只得再往下读。Again she read on.

我只得加入排队等着上厕所。I had to join a for the toilets.

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雷纳德只得雇了律师。Rennard had to hire an attorney.

叶凌青只得先绑住他。Ye Lingqing had to tie him first.

亲爱的朋友只得各奔东西。And the dear friends have to part.

最后,鳄鱼只得放小象走。At last the crocodile had to let go.

你可能只得一个。C You might just scrape by with a C.

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他只得施用这部公用电话。He had to use this public telephone.

旱灾之后我们只得重新再种。We had to replant after the drought.

车子只得绕道而行。The car has to come a roundabout way.

事已无法可救,只得耐性容忍。情感天地聊天室。What cannot be cured must be endured.

医生只得给孕妇堕胎。The doctor had to abort the pregnancy.

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有病的人无人过问,只得等死。And those who got sick were left to die.

刘大妈只得继续忍受着这扰人的水管声。Aunt Liu had to bare the noise as before.

汗流了下来,我们只得任它流下。Sweat comes down and we must let it fall.

在事实面前谣言只得销声匿迹。The rumour had to disappear before facts.

由于碰上暴风我们只得顶风停船。We had to lie to because of the storm wind.

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三人只得再次跳海。Three people had to jump into the sea again.

高尔基为了上学,只得去捡垃圾换钱。Golgi to school, only to pick up trash money.

因此波西亚只得把那三只盒子拿给他看。So Portia had to show the three boxes to him.