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有何高见?What do you think about it?

亲爱的读者有何高见呢?What's your take on this, dear reader?

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关于期刊的选择,您有何高见?Have you any hints on journal selection?

你对屋内的装饰很有高见。Your opinons on house-decorating are sound.

你对室内设计有何高见?Do you have good suggestions for interior design?

依你高见,怎么才能促进感情?So, what do you recommend to encourage affection?

对于2010年的客服趋势,欢迎分享您的高见。What do you see as the trends in customer service for 2010?

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既然都看了我的网页!何不留个言发表一下你的高见或是“到此一游”呢?。Since you came to my web design, don't you leave the message?

那些希望从卡梅伦身上找到高见的人可能要失望了。Those looking for the Big Idea from Mr Cameron will be disappointed.

他对管理个人在线声誉有何高见?His advice on managing one's reputation online? Here is what he recommends

那么,有没有什么节省时间的方法呢?你又有何高见?So are there ways in which we could save our time a bit more? Do you have any tips?

您永远都不会知道“傻瓜”也可能会看到一些您未察觉的东西,甚至还会有高见。You never know -- the "idiot" might see something you missed, or have a great idea.

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欧元兑瑞郎在电子交易平台EBS上高见1.22瑞郎,结束四日连跌.The euro rose as high as 1.22 francs on trading platform EBS, ending four days of losses.

如果卢拉想留任,你对他保持民意的方法有何高见?What suggestions do you have for Da Silva to maintain his popularity if he wants to stay in office?

此时此刻,阿切尔甚至仿佛能听见劳伦斯·莱弗茨正就社交界的分崩离析发表高见。Archer could hear Lawrence Lefferts, at that very hour, holding forth on the disintegration of society.

根据路透数据,美元兑日圆周四高见98.70日圆,为11月10来高位.The dollar rose as high as 98.70 yen on Thursday, according to Reuters data, its highest since Nov. 10.

“事实是这样的,”派伯刚开了个头又停顿了下来,这时所有人都看着他,等着他的高见。"And the truth is this, " Piper continued and paused until all eyes were on him, waiting for him to toss out a nugget of wisdom.

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不过,和我们其他人不一样,她不会翻来覆去睡不着觉,担心第二天早上是否还会记得所有这些高见,而是平静地从床头柜上拿起录音机,说上几句话,然后再渐渐入睡。Instead, she’ll calmly reach over to her nightstand, pick up a voice recorder, dictate a few words, then slide gently back into sleep.

保证您选择的媒体在特定位置,赞助,产品图片和公司标志方面拥有高见度及难忘的选择性。Ensure that proposed solutions offer highly-visible and memorable options such as featured positions, premier sponsorships, product images and logos.

早段,恒指受惠于美股而高开292点后,一度高见24542,但高位回吐压力大。In the early session, HSI opened 292 pts higher following US markets and marked the highest at 24542. However, it reduced gains on profit taking pressure.