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这意味着我们会读很多的诗歌,写赏析的文章。It will mean reading alot of poems and writing about them some.

目前赏析一下在大歌星田震的磁带。Now let's enjoy the tape of a update popular singer madam Tianzhen.

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我遇到了许多很好的老师,是他们教我如何赏析艺术。I've met many good teachers who taught me how to appreciate the art.

第五章,赏析其诗的艺术特色。The fifth chapter, appreciates the artistic characteristics of his poetry.

要赏析高度现代主义时期的格律诗,只能依赖篇幅冗长的注脚。The poems of the canonical poets of high modernism require heavy footnotes.

分析该诗的这些特点有益于对它的赏析和翻译。The analysis of the poem does good to the appreciation and translation for it.

我们得通过学习,才能欣赏伦勃朗和赏析画作。We had to be taught how to kind of take in Rembrandt, how to analyze a painting.

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名篇赏析对于古代文学教学意义重大。Masterpiece appreciation is very important to the teaching of Ancient Literature.

第四章,赏析数学文化中的数学美。The fourth chapter, the mathematical beauty appreciation of mathematical culture.

在第三章中,从意象角度逐篇赏析了抒发妇女哀愁的诗歌。In the third chapter, maiden's sorrow is presented implicitly from the perspective of images.

在英语学习及双语赏析的同时,感悟生活、品味人生。While proceeding to English study and bilingual appreciation, comprehends the life, savors the life.

籍由这本小册子,我们希望唤醒存在于读者潜意识中的对语言的奇妙之处的赏析能力。In this booklet we want to revive in readers that latent capacity to appreciate the wonder of language.

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从明喻、隐喻、借喻三个方面对英语文学作品中的比喻修辞格进行了赏析。Appreciation is given on simile, metaphor, and metonymy all together three aspects in English literature.

再者,学习者可能无法清楚表达自己的感受,透过跟学习者的互动,找出学习者赏析意图。Since learners may not express their own feelings clearly, learner's intention can be obtained via interactive mechanism.

但长期以来,中学诗歌教学较忽略诗歌这种最精华的元素——诗歌语言的赏析,尤其对最具诗味的特殊性诗歌句式的关注更少。But for long time, high school verse teaching than neglect the verse this kind of most the chemical element of the essence?

在第二章中,笔者从意象角度逐篇赏析了诗歌中对于士兵哀伤的表现。In the second chapter, from the perspective of images the writer analyzes the soldiers'loneliness and suffering one by one.

此课程祈使学生习得音乐戏剧的概念,并能够应用在赏析各种歌舞剧。Students will be able to learn the concepts of musical dramas, as well as to apply to the appreciation of various Musicals.

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这些研究大抵可概括为专题性研究、史述性研究、赏析性研究、介绍性研究等。Generally speaking, there are the subject research, narrative research, appreciative research and introductory research, etc.

及对该诗歌特征的赏析,充分地展现了积极浪漫主义主观性、政治抒情性、理想性。This thesis appreciates Ode to the West Wind in various ways by analyzing the subjectivism, the political lyricism, idealism.

通过对当中某些作品进行赏析探讨,理性的思索中国当代油画语言的发展处境。By appreciating and analyzing some compositions, we can rationally ponder upon Chinese modern oil painting’s present situation.